Gigi cantik tersusun rapi

  by   Friday, December 20, 2013   No comments
Penampakan gigi yang cantik tersusun rapi di sebalik senyuman ain atiqah yang menawan. Psst off to wechat <3



  by   Tuesday, November 19, 2013   No comments
Dear Future Husband,

I want you to know that I'm crazy all over Mr. Subject XD right now. Fyi, I'm 15-year-old girl who lives with my parents in Taman Putra Perdana along with my other three siblings. One thing you must know about me is that i really treasure friendship. I love my friends cuz some of them I've made during my childhood. People like Ain, Fatin, Farisya, Saliza, Iffa, Ainul, Adilla, Qama, bla bla bla, etc are the most precious gifts that Allah ever sent to me and we are likely sisters that gonna help each other through ups and downs. Therefore I'm not asking you to be one of them, but i wish we gonna be "the best friend of the year" that we support, motivate, inspire each other, so both of us can chase our dreams together. Like most girls, I also wish to be loved but yeah, at this age, I only experienced unrequitted love over my high school teacher which is quite embarrassing but yet, i prefer to share in here so one day if you access and read my blog, you would know that your future wife had been baby-ish all over her years, perhaps?  hiks, tah pape tah 😒😒

Speaking of you, I don't know whether you are exist or not, it's either you're in this world or at the other world, but, nevermind, Allah knows the best. You're always in my du’a. I asked Allah to grant me His blessing with a guy that fulfill every single detail of you, like having high level of sabr, generous, nice, well-mannered, responsible, pious and handsome is a must! Hahaha I know that I'm quite demanding but being a muslim we believe Allah SWT is Maha Kaya and Maha Pemurah. That's why I'm asking more and more during prayer since I'm too serious in looking for a father of my children, one day.

What you ever think a 15-year-old girl dare enough to write an open letter to her dream future husband?? Dah tak shabar nak kawen?? err, nope. It's just I've always thinking of you lately, like, what have you been doing right now?? What dishes you like most?? Are you a Kelantanese or a Johorean?? Or perhaps orang Keyel?? Are you that matured in managing financial?? Aaaaaa such a mysterious man!

But, but, but.... ibu said that I can't have a boyfriend at this age right now, despite focusing on my school (Yes, I said it!) but nevermind. Most importantly, I want you to know that when we do fall in love, I will love you unconditionally. I don't expect you to be perfect and I can guarantee you that I won't be either. I do, however, expect you to accept me fully for who I really am, and I promise to do the same for you. I will never try to change you, I will never let you feel unseen, and I will always be your number one fan.

Yours truly,
Perfectly imperfect me

P/S: Dear myself, find Allah, then find yours

High Tea ft. Steamboat at Cikgu Maimun's in Aman Putra

  by   Wednesday, November 13, 2013   No comments
phew phew...guys i've made a real comeback after a month of my disappearance. i was busy caught up with the last minutes online application to boarding schools since Cikgu Maimun urged us to do so. What came across in my mind was that "apply jelah dapat ke tak, at least kita dah cuba, selebihnya kita tawakal". I personally want to get in there since my application to boarding schools was unsuccessful when i was 12. but then, i realised i've put too much expectations sometimes i forgot that "langit tak selalunya cerah"

btw, i've freshened up the blog with the new background, new pic of my version at the sidebar bla bla bla tu pun nak bagitau :p

so here's a quick update regarding a month of my disappearance -on having high tea and eating steamboat at Cikgu Maimun’s in Aman Putra (nyum3)

Cikgu Maimun layankan aje kerenah kanak3 ribena

"Makan dulu, baru bergambar", kata seorang cikgu disiplin kepada kanak2 ribena yang nakal. 

People meet Cikgu Maimun, the one in all black. She taught us Sejarah since we were in form 1. Konklusinya Cikgu Maimun dah masak dengan perangai kiteorg semua within three years, and at the same time she's also being a cikgu disiplin sekolah, such a creepy bila Cikgu Maimun pegang rotan! ok tipu jer bab pegang rotan sume tu. boo!

kek ceklet meleleh 

i almost forgot this one our VVIP, Ustazah Habibah who taught us Pend. Islam. Ustazah Habibah was the only one who made it to fulfill the invitation about coming over to Aman Putra since Teacher Umi and Teacher Rogiah couldnt make it perhaps due to their tight schedule as they had many things to do in a short time, lah kot.

Meet PND a.k.a Dayana on the left 👈 

Dah makan kat rumah orang, anak dara kenalah tolong basuh pinggan :p

ooh,..before we were just about to leave, we exchanged a book of goodbye messages for everyone to write on it. errr, and by that i really meant everyone except for me since i didnt have one hehehe..

Here's the one, my goodbye message for the lilysters;

i wish to see these familiar faces again in the following year.


  by   Monday, October 28, 2013   No comments
Ok i'll be honest. i'm not so into runningman but yet half of my classmates do. So i've no choice rather than took part in the lilysters runningman games 2013. It was Adel, Qama and Izzy becoming the 'orang besar' behind the game. Why not if we loosen up the muscles by having games, since PMR is over. Shall we?

PND, me and Farisya were ready for the games :p

Foto Raja Izazie Raja Izat.

All in all, Lilysters Runningman Games was such a blast! I mean, really3....since i won the third place! Walawei jangan memain dengan saya ek

We went crazy and laughing all the way from the beginning till the end of the games since we really enjoyed it! Its actually my very first time played the game cuz some people only watch them on tv but me, myself took part in the games without bringing any survival kits with me lol.

Foto Raja Izazie Raja Izat.

Musmay and Nazihah almost got wrecked by the team since we need to take over the flag in Nazihah's hands in order to win the game.

Foto Raja Izazie Raja Izat.

At the end of the games, we stayed in Dewan Sri Putra, cherished the moments with silly jokes made by Musmay and Fatin. Aihh korang sume ni memang tak pernah tak kelakar even in a single day lah!

I was already half dead cuz dah lama sangat tak main kejar kejar. Anyways the good times we had might bring us closer together.

Muuahh ciked semua❤❤

Tudung bawal.

  by   Wednesday, August 21, 2013   No comments
You know those videos on Youtube about hijab styling tutorial?? bersepah kot.

“Everyday simple hijab tutorial, hijab styling tutorial with Pashmina, Satin, Bawal, Glitter bla bla bla”

So here comes the one i've been watched on Youtube by Kak Tyah. Speaking of Kak Tyah, she's cute, cheeky, fashionable and has inspired me a lot to have a bold attempt to develop hijab styles on one of her tutos. Saya pun cuba ikut step by step. Dipendekkan cerita, lepas dah flip shawl then lilit sana sini (nasib baik tak tercekik) akhirnya menjadi juga! Cuma bila tengok cermin serupa tak kena. Orang lain tengok nampak ok dah tapi bila diri sendiri tengok nampak pelik sangat haha.

And I thought i wanted to try these hijab styles on raya but i ended up being gadis melayu terakhir wearing tudung bawal putih sebab shawl sangat complicated ummpp.

Being 15 and you’ve no idea what goes well with what and that cuz fashion just isnt your thing. The struggle is real when you have absolutely zero fashion sense, and in other words i’m speaking of myself that have no sense of style at all. Kalau boleh nak pakai t-shirt long-sleeved with tracksuit instead of jeans for out but then my mum started to babble on me for being such selekeh with that kind of outfit. ok i’m not that stylish and trendy but dull, plain, tudung bawal hitam & putih dan selempang ke belakang itu memang perkara biasa. Ok itu memang selekeh tahap extreme punya haha

In my opinion, being fashionable isnt a crime but yet...

Modest dress plays a key role in purificafion of the soul and deep inner contentment -- Mufti Menk

Quick life update.

  by   Sunday, August 04, 2013   No comments
Salam ramadhan everyone! 

Here's a little life update in general.

I've been coping up with my daily routine these past few weeks. As usual, on Monday morning, i went to the school, got into the line, had a chit-chat with fellow lilysters, settled down the school assembly. Speaking of school assembly, this time, it was Musmay's turn being emcee and me, myself led the ikrar. And yup, that's how things work as usual at the school. 

Speaking of school too, i've got to meet Subject BUT THIS TIME HE WAS SURROUNDED BY GIRLS. That moment you got jealous with these pretty girls since, they were much closer to him than yourself as "a random girl" and you started to realize that he wasnt meant for you. Ughh menyampah. Rant ends here. 

Done with the school stuff and ugh Subject. Here comes something closer to trial. So, pre-PMR  is over. I REPEAT. IS. OVER. and now, i'm blaming myself for burning the midnight oil at the last minute before exams :p I have confession regarding the exams anxiety. It can seem scary to talk about PMR since sometimes i feel the future depends on what grades i get, which can cause me a lot of pressure and stress. What a life .-.

mood : merajuk

  by   Sunday, July 28, 2013   No comments
I know that merajuk is much relatable to childish and vice versa but all i wanna do is to close some doors for people out there that no longer lead me somewhere. Neither to fight back nor come off as sarcastic and insincere, i choose to merajuk since it wont cost me anything. Eh yeke??


15 minutes rant on lagu cinta

  by   Saturday, July 06, 2013   No comments
Fyi, pre-PMR trial is just around the corner and i'm working on it. But for now, let me take 15 minutes break to write on a blog post. ok this gonna be 15 minutes post as i type this. i challenge you, ain. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

just now, i just watched a video, rant on lagu cinta by Mat Luthfi on Youtube and it was hilarious! i said so cuz, Mat Lutfhi is a funny and humorous guy. And he also even know how to deliver his jokes in an intelligent way. i've no offense against his video afterall i'm also listening to lagu melayu cuz i'm a malaysian. so why not? ok i've no offense against anyone here, including YOU, yes my dearly silent reader.

now, i'm listening to top 4 ranking of my favourite lagu english, melayu, indonesia and k-pop in my phone playlist at this moment i'm writing this blogpost.

1. Wake Up Call by Maroon 5 - i know that this song kind of old school since it was release around 2009 at the moment i was just at 9. It used to be my warm up song when i was about to study and i just love Adam Levine!

2. Tanpa by Sixth Sense - i dont know the reason behind all this mess but i tend to imagine Zarul singing to this, maybe sebab he once confessed his true feelings to me when i was at 12. hahaha cinta monyet zaman kanak-kanak ribena :p

3. Ketika Cinta Bertasbih by Melly Goeslow - this kind of love song. ini pun satu hal juga, i've been daydreaming between Apip and myself in Taman Bunga, confessing each other euww, cinta zaman kanak-kanak ribena juga :p

4. Mr Simple by Super Junior - i've been mentioned that i'm not into K-pop but when it comes to Mr Simple, i cant resist for its tune. 

actually there's many more but these used to be my jam except, for Ketika Cinta Bertasbih. Lol. And here comes this one nasyid song, used to be my earworm. Sendiri by Saujana. 

i'd pay fully attention when listening to this song since the lyrics is soooo touchable. hukhuk menangis kot sampai tahap meleleh kuar hingus. Okay i'm done for my 15 minutes blog post! Back to study! 

Rambled on #8 :She's not that cocky but, simply being herself

  by   Monday, June 24, 2013   No comments
Am i that too cocky or just overconfident??? then, how to be genuinely confident, without seeming cocky at all??? i can't brain when it comes to these people who are most emotionally sensitive that charge someone for being such cocky or arrogant or whatsoever lah.

These people who are happened to be my acquaintance, claimed to know me inside out, but they are actually a stranger to mine. In fact, im trying to be the best version of me, cuz we are all unique in ourselves, is it?

Image result for am i cocky  poem

The 3rd week of June

  by   Sunday, June 23, 2013   No comments

Hi, i'm back again, SUKA TAK?? SUKA TAK??? ok tak suka :(

It all started with fine monday morning, ada sorang kakak pengawas senior nih minta Musmay bertugas jadi emcee. since Musmay tak datang sekolah haritu (aih Musmay ni pun kalu nak cuti sekolah janganlah solo je, ajak aku sekali) pastu3 kakak pengawas senior kiteorg tadi tuu minta ain atiqah yang tengah blur ni gantikan Musmay. walawei! tbh, taktau pulak yang minggu tu ada hari koperasi sekolah, naseb baik Cikgu Maimun yang bertugas minggu tu. so, rasa seronoklah sikit nak handle since Cikgu Maimun dgn saya sangat serasi ala2 sweet de amor gituu :)

Part yang tak bestnya tu bila event yang nak kena handle minggu ni tak related langsung dengan Subject, lol. Maka tinggallah seketul ain atiqah keseorangan menguruskan majlis minggu koperasi sekolah lol. Anyways, everything went smooth cuz no one yang memberontak suruh habiskan cepat majlis. Hahahaha iye, saya tahu kita semua tak suka duduk lama2 kat perhimpunan dek sinaran matahari yang panas terik di dataran SMKPP.

Ok nak cerita sket pasal perkembangan stalking Subject. As usual we used to work together since im the one yang tolong pegang kunci comp lab. Muka nih juga yang dicari suruh simpan baik2 kunci comp lab dalam drawer dia. Pernah sekali tu menggelabah tak jumpa kunci comp lab, sampai turun perhimpunan cari ain atiqah, takut siot! Naseb baik jumpa kalau tak, habis kena hentam dengan cikgu. Lol

i've stayed up countless nights repeating your name hoping that you'll mean less with each breath

  by   Wednesday, June 12, 2013   No comments
I personally can't handle myself since i'm currently experiencing heart palpitations whenever He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is around. My thoughts continually turn to him; every song reminds me of his face, his broad smile, his deep voice and know i've been dreaming about him. It's an ache that literally hurts my chest! I can't get over him in the hours and days at the school and i don't know what's more tragic that i keep looking for him wherever i go. It's not just infatuation; it's real love!

Physchologists say a crush only lasts for 4 months, but when feelings last longer, you are considered to be "in love".

LOVE. Am i in love since the feeling exceeds for almost 5 months..? ok now, i'm blaming my hormones for being such crazy in the first place. But i'd pretty much melt for his chinese-good-looking (forthegodsake) Waduh indah sungguh ciptaan Tuhan yang satu nihh...

Unrequited love is hell cuz all you do is spend your days thinking of someone who will never think of you. it all merged into one feeling of sickening agitation but yet, it was a fun distraction, eh boleh pulak. it was my bff, Musmay keep saying that, "it's such inappropriate for having that kind of wild feeling lah ain atiqah". She also thought that i'm being too obsessed over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named since i've been through "typical crush behaviour" phases. ok let me be clear on that one by one.

I told Musmay, i wish that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named will be going to teach our class next year – when all you really want to do is stare at his face every day. but it will be never happened since we have Cikgu Hadrah teaches us geography. FYI, it happened ONCE when he was being a sub. And there was a whole story behind it.

One day when i was out of the class, and the sub in. My heart pounded fast when i got to see, it was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named took over the class and all he did was returning back our marked exam papers by calling name each one of us to collect them on his desk. when my turn came, he did called me by the wrong name, Ain ATHIRAH instead of Ain ATIQAH .-.

Secondly, i get a little light-headed when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named walked past me in the hallway. Dia islamik giler weh, cuz all he did was lowering his gaze when he walked by any girls in the school. Err..sorry did i just look at you? Cuz i couldn't resist your charm! #cheesypick-upline

Thirdly, this is the most stupid thing i've ever done in my life! I started to look a ring on his finger to see if he's married! I dont want to jump into any conclusions but Musmay said 'the guy' is married and dah beranak-pinak dah pun. Alahai Musmay ni main taram jerrr, kan. As for me, when a guy wear a ring on, it could be a sunnah. Nak sedapkan hati lettew :p

Next, i tend to bring him up in conversations to the lilysters. Yup i did this most of the time cuz i'm interested to talk more about him as much as possible. And, dorang yang lain dah masak dah dengan perangai ain atiqah yang sorang nih.

This one will be going annoying and irritating since i asked around if anyone knows about his personal life. I play detective to know where he lives, where he comes from, is he a Kelantanese? And so on. These claims required further investigation when i've met my acquaintance schoolmate named Alya a.k.a the witness. According to her, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is a friend of Alya's parents and they once met during an open house. Ouh yes, the witness said he lives somewhere in Desa Ayer Hitam which is far far away from my place 😢 but yet it's helpful enough. Thank you for your cooperation Alya!

Apart from that, Musmay got to see me slightly different macam tak stabil, overly excited, tak betul, terlebih energetic and whatsoever lah cuz i've got to talk to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, LIKE. EVERYDAY!!!!

Later, i slowly to realise that this is unrealistic and inappropriate (that's what ive been told by Musmay) cuz our age-gaps are too much different or else I'll have to be his 2nd wife which is mean becoming the third wheel in the relationship. NOOOOOOOO and finally i'll mourn my loss of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Lastly, i think that i need to write down about this just in case i forgot what i've been doing so far. Hahahaha let us wrap this up!

One fine school monday.

  by   Monday, June 10, 2013   No comments

BACK TO SCHOOL GUYSSS!! Sebab cuti sekolah dah habis, kita sebagai pelajar pulun habis-habisan siapkan homework last minute, phew phew..*pokerface*bila org lain sibuk update status facebook, "tak ready lagi nak dengar ucapan pengetua yang panjang lebar" hihihihi *ketawa sopan* tak baik tau korang update macam tu. Apalah nak jadi. Kalau korang update macam tu, then saya pulak terpaksa bersubahat dengan cikgu-cikgu untuk mengalu-alukan ucapan pengetua. LOL. As usual, muka yang nih jugaklah yang rajin sangat buat freeshow atas pentas assembly, LOL. Tapi, yang bestnya dapat bercakap dengan Subject saya. that was unexpectable one fine school monday of the first day of school. wakakaka macam biasa, Musmay, Fatin & Subject sentiasa setia menanti ain atiqah di belakang pentas selaku emcee untuk assembly haritu. *Kiss on their cheeks* so, kalau ada whatever ceremony just knock on 3 Lily's front door & keep on eye kat prefect pakai baju hijau yang duduk kat meja depan sekali pakai nametag Ain Atiqah. bhahahahaha Bye3


  by   Saturday, June 08, 2013   No comments
Cuti Sekolah 

1. Duduk rumah, makan, tidur, makan tidur.
2. Balik kampunggg yehaaaa!!
3. Kak Nana's wedding
4. Amik Iqbal kat asrama

Rambled on #7 :"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory"

  by   Thursday, May 30, 2013   No comments
i've changed the blog's name into PRECIOUS MEMORIES since i've a million memories flashed through my mind but then i just smiled, reminiscing the old good memories :)

And here are some re-uploaded memories on facebook ft. the lilysters :p 
This photo was taken by Qurratu at her home in Nusaputra. I love to see both of us in one picture since we're good friends at 10!

From left, Iffa, Me, Fatin and Musmay behaving such balky toddlers .-.

Recently i had some talks with the lilysters about leaving the school, and by that i reaaaallly meant about going to sekolah berasrama penuh. err.. i've bad times regarding sekolah berasrama penuh since i didnt get offered a place at a school of my choice - Tunku Kurshiah College

Achieving straight A's in UPSR doesnt gurantee your place at any premier boarding schools. so, at 13 i learnt for not to put too much expectations and too much high hopes into things cuz everything will fall into a place. but hey,! i'll get my revenge to get into any of my school choices within three years of waiting - PMR 2013

That was i've told Musmay, Fatin & Farisya about my real intention of leaving since my heart goes for SBP. It was Musmay wouldnt let me go cuz she said, "dont you ever think of leaving me alone". btw, her mother, Aunt Hawa forbidden her to go to such school. She also said, Musmay wasn't allowed to leave the home until she reaches eighteen. so, cuma Fatin dgn Farisya yang setia ke arah yang satu tuu. Out of all, people like Tc Rogiah and Cikgu Zarinah also have been acting like Musmay since the objective of the lilysters were prepared is to excel SPM for the next two years to win the best school title in district. 

Now, i'm about 50-50 on leaving the school because of my precious ones. at the school, people like Musmay and Fatin always made my day with their silly jokes but yet hilarious. And yup Farisya, she has a dry sense of humor but only certain jokes she'd be considered to tapi kadang-kadang boleh masuk air jugak faris tu .-. 

maybe ada hikmah kot sebab apa tak dapat SBP since Allah wants me to know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory :)

Source, tumblr

I 💖 the lilysters xoxo

New look XD

  by   Wednesday, May 29, 2013   No comments
Di sebalik agenda bila masuk cuti sekolah.

a). Asek dok umah mereput, online fb, twitter, tumblr, etc.... straight 8-9 hrs, taknak kuar2 umah takut sinaran cahaya matahari boleh membuatkan kulit terbakar ala2 Mr. Dracula

b). Entahlah bila gov bagi public holiday, beria-ria nak datang sekolah, pastu bila asek kena datang sekolah, takde cuti langsung, rebel pulak nak cuti. Ehhh kekadang peliks tengok student sorang ni.

c). kalau cuti sekolah tak dapat nak usyar subjek, kalau dtg sekolah dapat usyar subject. Eh gelenyaa siot. Hypothesis accepted.

d). edit blog yg tak pernah2 nak habes .-.

Kepada blog terchentaa,

saya sayang awak beribu2 kali sayang tapi mata saya sakit asek tengok baju awak kaler kuning yang melambangkan kedaulatan bagi negara malaysia. baju awak kaler kuning yang saya pakaikan juga mengingatkan saya kepada spongebob yang tinggal dalam buah nanas di dasar lautan. Eh merepeknya. Dalam kesempatan ini saya berhasrat untuk tukarkan baju awak dari kaler kuning ke kaler pink.

Tadaaa! the new look of the year

ok dah siap edit. Amik masa dalam dua hari juga nak edit. penat giler. actually, i still use the same blogskin but i've changed the colour of post, sidebar & archive title and the one with about me tu. anyways, asek sakit mata tengok kaler kuning tu sebabnya dah boring kaler sama so saya pun tukar ke kaler pink. Lalalalala... nak kata pink ini bukan kaler pink tapi pink + oren. 

Header pun dah baruuuu, nama blog pun dah baruuu...semuanya baruuuu. Header buat sendiri guna Photoscape. macam biasa header nampak simple sebab tuan blog nih pun simple orangnya. cumanya i still use the same rainbow doodle cuz it sooo cute! Nak masukkan doodle pusheen cat nampak berserabut sangat nanti :p 

Sekarang dah berani sikit nak letak gambar sendiri kat about me tu instead of bubuh gambar Prince William. Lol hahahahaha..

Happy Teachers' Day everyone :)

  by   Thursday, May 23, 2013   No comments

Such a lame, ain 🙀🙀

Salam & Hi!

A little life update: i got A's for both Geography and Science tests. Ok that's going to be a self-sustaining push towards PMR.

*ends of babble*

Does, anyone here remember that one, i used to call eye-candy, errr Subject, etc...?????
We've met AGAAAAINN. LIKE. ALWAYS. in such events regarding school and stuff whatsoever, lah.

The ultimate level of cinta mati buta :p

Tapi3, we've got to handle such huge event at the school. And that by i meant was 'being emcee with Musmay on Teachers' Day' it was Tc Umi selected both of us since Musmay and i are good friends when we were at 8

May 11th,
Teachers' Day began with a school assembly, then Guru Besar delivered his rambling speech. Pastuu....boleh teka kot chronology of event macam mana, memasing pernah celebrate Teachers' Day is it?  Here are photos taken by farisya (i pendekkan jadi faris)

Being emcee(s)

working on Teacher's Day

Kena tangkap gambar org

the lilysters forever in my heart

Cikgu Hadrah

We're gwiyomi-ing. 

why so serious???

Iffa ft. Qama

my fav. Tc Rogiah

Thank you for the photos faris, finally i can have thousands of reason to upload in here. And , there's one more, i've been a manager to the lilysters singers cuz yeahh, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to teachers by singing, surely the vocalist was Musmay cuz she's good at singing. i refused to join them since my voice sengau and tak sedap at all. and and and...i got to talk to Subject during the singing preparation


Rambled on #6 :That one, my eye candy

  by   Saturday, April 13, 2013   No comments
I've been reaaaaallly busy with school lately and i've tons of homework are killing me and such overlapping group work to catch up on, and i lead for my rumah sukan (rumah hijau) in maths science quiz feat Senior Sab plus i'm working on english short drama which is just around the corner, therefore i need to get myself fully prepared to act like real-life drama queen as an innocent Lisa in Rumplestiltskin.

Here goes a week off from school and away from that one, my eye candy.

And by that i meant 'i'm off from stalking'

The week has been going dull since he's a week off, perhaps need to attend those meeting and kursus out of Dengkil district and such. He probably might have to listen to my mini-rant cuz he forgot to hand over that bunch of keys of comp lab. As a result, the lilysters put blame on me cuz we become nomads for a week, move from one place to another since we cant get into 'your' comp lab untuk kesekian kalinya.

We are nomads for a week cuz of u :p

t e r i m a k a s i h

  by   Thursday, March 28, 2013   No comments

kita marah bila benda yang kita nak tak dapat. Bila dah tak dapat, kita pilih untuk menangis. Berharap orang sekeliling simpati kat kita. Berharap orang sekeliling juga dapat tolong kita untuk dapat apa yang kita nakkan. Dasar anak cengeng. Tulah aku.

Cita-cita tinggi melambung. Bukan salah aku. Aku diajar untuk letak impian setinggi awan. Sebab itu apa yang cikgu ajar aku kat sekolah. Letak impian/harapan kamu setinggi awan. Who knows your dream will come true? Macam cerita dongeng princess barbie yang kat tv tu. At the end, they live happily ever after.

Manusia alpa. Mudah lupa. Tak semua benda yang kita nak boleh dapat macam petik jari jer. Tetap kena ada usaha. Lagi kuat kita berusaha, lagi tinggi hasilnya. Lagi tinggi nilainya. As simple as that.

Tapi, tapi, tapi... macam mana kalau hasil yang kita dapat tak setanding dengan apa yang kita usaha. Analoginya macam ni; Amir belajar siang malam tak kenal lelah untuk jadi pelajar cemerlang. But when it comes to exams, he gets blank, cant remember anything on what he has been read before the exams. So macam mana?  Nak salahkan siapa?? Si amir?  Jangan sendu amir. Pls jangan sendu.

Tapi, tapi,  tapi... Macan mana pula kalau hasil yang kita dapat betul2 setanding dengan apa yang kita usaha. Analoginya macam ni; amir belaja siang malam tak kenal erti lelah. Dia berusaha untuk dapatkan straight As pmr. Akhirnya amir berjaya! Amir dapat apa yang dia nakkan selama ni. Congrats amir!

Dah jadi tradisi bila mak mak ayah ayah masukkan anak dorang sekolah berasrama penuh bila dapat straight As. Bukan semua but some of them did it. Mestilah! Education is the key to success. Education is all about investment to brighter future. Kau dah kenapa dowh??

Takpe aku faham. Pergilah. Dah itu memang rezeki kau. Pergilah. Belajar sungguh-sungguh sebab kau harapan keluarga. Aku? Rezeki aku kat sini. Di bumi bertuah putra perdana. Sekarang aku bangga belajar sini. Ada banyak kawan. Cikgu-cikgu pun sayang. Balik rumah dapat tengok muka ibu ayah. Sejuk mata memandang. Tapi kadang2 garang juga.

Terima kasih untuk hati yang memberontak dan sekarang lembut bak sutera teguh untuk taknak tinggalkan semuanya. Terima kasih.


  by   Monday, March 25, 2013   No comments
I know this is weird, but my hormones are going crazy.

It all started when i had some random talks with Mifit, Azizah and Fatin regarding the topic fangirling. and..yup! being 15 and all we do is fangirling over someone that doesn't even realise our existence. It was only me, myself is drowning deep into Adam's fandom whilst the trio are being K-pop fangirls ever since.

This show is pretty good. You're definitely going to see the sequel to that movie. The actors and actresses are talented, attractive individuals.
the girls when fangirling .-.

We kept rambling on fangirling til i saw my eye-candy on his way going to upstairs. Mifit asked me if something had bothered me from listening to her rambles. And i said yes, absolutely yes. The next question they asked me why i kept looking at the outside. MYGAWWD i found it so hard to resist his charm and i'd pretty much melt for his chinese-look but yet i couldn't spill it out.

"Ada crush kau ke kat luar??", kata seketul fatin. Pfffft fatin was right!

"Aku ada confession nih. Aku terrrrrsuka cikgu *** laahhh", i confessed.

All they did was, "euwwwww, geli do", "kau ni takde orang lain ke nak suka", "euww, orang tua jugak kau nak" with such disgust expression. bhahaahahaahahhahahahhahahaha! in fact that i've got to think twice before the confession session and yet i decided to be opened up with this kind of weird inner feeling with my lilysters.

Sebab dah kantoikan diri sendiri dengan dorang tapi still taknak satu kelas tahu, i referred him by the name 'Subject' in any conversation. The reason why i chose the name Subject..........

subject (noun) - a person or thing that is being discussed or dealt with, (Oxford Dictionary)

so far, here's the Subject i'm dealing with.

Recently, i got butterflies in my stomach since i've got to talk with Subject at the school lab FOR THE FIRST TIMEEE IN MY LIFE!

1st moment
The day went pretty much as usual. We had Pend. Islam extra class at 2pm in the comp lab. Since the school ended at 1.20pm i still had 40 minutes to spend. So, Fatin, Musmay, Farisya, Iffa, Ainul and i decided to take lunch at the school canteen and i bought myself a packet of buah jambu with asam serbuk as dessert. After 40 minutes plus, some of my classmates had prepared themselves with notes, modules, reference books and such but yet we had to wait up at the outside since we can't enter the comp lab without permission. Pastu, pastuu....boleh pulak Subject yang keluar dari comp lab masa tu.

Subject :Awak buat apa kat sini?
Adel: Kiteorg ada kelas tambahan cikgu
Subject: Kelas tambahan apa?
Adel: Kelas tambahan Pend. Islam
Subject: Kelas apa ni?
Qama: 3 Lily
Subject: Cemni, saya ada hal, saya pass kunci ni kat....

"Ain Atiqah, Ain Atiqah, cikgu", kata sekumpulan kanak-kanak ribena -Mifit, Azizah & Fatin

"awak pegang dulu kunci ni, nanti dah habis kelas, gi meja saya, simpan dalam drawer. Awak taukan cari tempat saya. Jangan hilangkan kunci ni, kalau hilang, nanti saya cari awak sampai dapat", kata seorang cikgu kepada seketul Ain Atiqah. 

Pfffft i didn't expect that i would have a conversation with Subject since he didn't teach my class. Tu first time dapat cakap dengan Subject even sekejap je cuz i thought that he was in rush since he had to attend meeting, lah kot. Kot ye kot. Thousand of thanks to these trio cuz they did promote myself to Subject bhahahaha. Malunyaaa hanya Allah jer yang tahu masa tu. Next!

2nd moment
Ini...yang paling gembira cuz i met him once again. It all started when i was about to get into the maths extra class. Adel asked me to remind our maths teacher, Tc Rogiah at her office since she was been late for 10 minutes. By the time Mifit and i went to the office, Subject was looking for me (that's what i've been told by Musmay since i wasn't in the class)

"Ain, Ain mana Ain? Pergi cari cikgu, kelas awak bising nih" -Subject 2013

And then, it was Adel telling him that, Mifit and i had went to office to settle down the class' management. When i came back, Adel asked me to go by myself informed him on what to do.

Me: Cikgu (berlagu).
Subjek: Ya saya?
Me: Cikgu sepatutnya hari nih kelas Tc Rohana tapi Tc Rohana takde. So, Ustazah Habibah kata Tc Rogiah yang cover. Saya dah cari dah Tc Rogiah tapi Tc Rogiah pun takde. So, sekarang nih kiteorg nak kena buat apa?
Subjek: Kamu pergi cari cikgu tu.
Me: (buat muka tak paham) Tapi masalahnya Tc Rogiah takde.
Subjek: Tc Rogiah? Maksud kamu Tc Rogiah Moin tu? Penolong Kanan tu? Dia kat bilik mesyuarat.
Me: Saya dah cari dah takde jugak. Tempat dia pun sama.
Subjek: Oh, dia pergi kursus.
Me: Yeke?
Subjek: (gelak sket) Kamu pergi office suruh dorang cover extra class hari ni dengan hari lain.
Me: okay

Eh, tak habis lagi eh. After the extra class, i had group work on oral practice with Musmay. When i was about to drink nearby the meja bulat, he called me, by saying Tc Rogiah was at her office.

"Ain, tu Tc Rogiah ade kat office", kata Subject kepada seketul Ain Atiqah.
"yup, ok", i said with broad smile.

Thank God, i've got to see you again, Subject :)

Turning 15

  by   Sunday, March 17, 2013   No comments
Exam dah habis. lega rasanya. i think i did well in almost subjects except for maths
aku memang lemah dengan calculation. tapi, bila dalam kelas, buat practice yang hari-hari tc rogiah kasi boleh je buat. bila time exam, semua jadi blank. calculation mengarut!
 ok, taknak cakap pasal maths dah -,- 

today, i'm turning 15! million of thanks to those who wished me on fb. 
terima kasih juga kat awak farisya, wish saya kat fb walaupun saya tolong ingatkan awak :)
siap nyanyi tak kuar suara pula tu hahaha

thank you, farisya

aku pun taktahu pasaipa dorang panggil aku mek jamu. tak ingatlah sebab apa

Rambled on #5 :Envious of Z

  by   Saturday, March 09, 2013   No comments
I thought that i want to hold on the blog for awhile since i need to give 120% focus on my monthly test that's going to start on this wednesday. But i can't seem to be so determined as i tricked myself by taking a break to update my blog.

Regarding the test, i cant wait for geography test paper cuz mkayy i've a small confession.

Recently i've crushed on my very own high school teacher for his charming and handsomeness aaaaaaaa and he's the one who's going to prepare the geography test paper hence i'm so excited to give an A for his test!

ok that's not exactly what i'm going to write about.

what do you guys ever think that make an individual perfect? ok here's the story about;

i get envious easily of people that have fully package of these three variables in their lives; wealth, intelligence & beauty. thus, making these people to have seemingly such perfect lives. One of them obviously have been closed to me ever since. Z, THE FREAK!

Yup, a girl with beauty and brain. Remember?

Z is such a perfect. She's beautiful, brilliant, coming from well educated family. She has the aura of possession, being selected in any school's position, always be the attention of other people and all but....

From hearsay of someone that happened to be my acquaintance, Z is having family crisis. i'm not going to write what she has been through in here. sebab, tak baek buka aib orang lain. But that one have opened my heart, my eyes and my mind for always being grateful for what we have now. Allah has grant everyone with His uncountable blessings, maka nikmat mana yang kamu dustakan?

Ya tuhan, ini semua hasutan syaitan.

Sometimes, i feel so baaaad for being selfish and get jealous of one of my lilysters. yeah, Z still consider lilysters though she has messed out with the cliques including me since childhood for being such sarcastic. i know where i stand, where my limit is and i think i should stop for envying Z cuz she's human being, imperfect and full of flaws. Err same goes to me. I should be happy with myself, my imperfections and flaws cuz at least i have perfect family and friends that has granted by Allah to me.


  by   Sunday, March 03, 2013   No comments
Is anyone here a Marooner?

i'm not sure if Maroon 5 fans are officially called Marooners cuz i know, only certain people used to call themselves by that name and it seems their fandom isn't as big as Selenator. 

Well Maroon 5 have Adam Levine as their vocalist and me as a fangirl but yet it still won't consider myself as Marooner cuz i never bought any Maroon 5 albums and also i'm not overly enthusiastic of Maroon 5 but only to their songs and handsome Adam Levine.

Ladies and gentlemen say hello to Adam :)

i'm sending kisses to my pretty ain atiqah

I admit, i'm fangirling over Adam bcs he's such the hottest male singer alive on the Earth for now on and his distinct sounding voice does make him so special than One Direction.

The best part is Adam and i are March born babies cuz his dob (dateofbirth) obviously on March 18th a day after mine, March 17th 😙

So does it make myself a Leviner????

Rambled on #4 :Freaking Z

  by   Saturday, February 16, 2013   No comments
You get to meet so many people in your life and some of them are not necessary you like. Here's experience of my own having one.

Let's call her Z

Z was a new girl at my school. She was a beauty with brain. Her outstanding performance in academics has made herself much-loved by our teachers, friends and also my crush, Apip. When i was 10, we get to know each other since her class was next to mine.

Time went rapidly and i was 11. Z and i were classmates. By that time, 5H was the schools high ranking class in sktpp and i were considered a new student in 5H. i was one of my classmates who got ranked into the class as i passed my final exams with flying colours.

Z and i didnt talk much during our days because she was one of our school cliques. Her intelligence and beauty caught the attention of Apip. They were likely to like each other since they were 10. I found out that i was a third person of their relationship.

I didnt really mind because there were nothing i can do. i only kept myself busy with upcoming upsr exams. I believe good girl belongs to good boy and that's how it works is it?

A year went smoothly, the three of us passed our exams with flying colours. There were nothing i could ask more for getting straight a's in the upsr.

As time passes, Z and i meet again at the same secondary school and guess what? we're now again classmates .-.

Friendship grows when you plant a seed

  by   Thursday, February 14, 2013   1 comment

Rambled on #3 :Special Kinship

  by   Friday, February 08, 2013   No comments

Hasil carian imej untuk genealogy jokes cartoons

does anyone having a nephew/niece around the same age as you? if yes, what's like of having one? It just makes everything confuse.

it is my ibu having a nephew whom i used to call her cik tini, who's i've been thinking she's my aunt for 15 years of my living! it is just because she's the same age as ibu so i thought she's my aunt. ugh shame on you ain. i also found out her daughter, hayati who's 7 years older than me is actually my first cousin once removed

what does "once removed" mean?

The term “once removed” indicates the number of generations away from you. For example, your cousin’s children are one generation distant from yourself; hence, first cousins “once removed.”


to my surprise, cik tini and i share the same granparents! how possible is that actually? ok, it make sense since i've been watching malay drama on tv, ayahku kahwin lagi. A man whose spouse has died decided to marry a woman in 30's and the couple have a baby A. and yet the man also has a married child who gave birth to a baby B. Hence, baby A & baby B are aunt and nephew.

The fact that baby A and baby B are ibu and cik tini as my nenek was pregnant to ibu and at the same time, mak long (nenek's daughter) also pregnant to cik tini during her teens as she married at a very young age 😕😕😕

And at my dad's side, i only realise that akmal and i not share the same grandparents instead of her mum, is my first cousin.

Things get complicated when it comes to hand-kissing during our family reunion. Bila nak cium tangan, terrrrcium tangan my older first cousin once removed, sedangkan kira macam anak buah but hell yeah noooo

Out of touch

  by   Saturday, February 02, 2013   No comments
Previously, i've mentioned that i used to work on 5 blogs (just for fun) before i started to get serious with this blog. By that time, i had a blog which i named it One Starry Night but this one wont last long because i was busy caught up with schools. Therefore, i've been gone for so long that i was out of touch with my blog

why the hell i chose that name .-. 

oh yeah, three years ago i used to design header a lot than writing a blogpost. Truth to be told i spent almost of my time designing header. Part of it, there was once a 'kakak' designed one for me just because i rajin sangat msg cbox dia. Lol


opppsss, she obviously designed me for two; the first one with the love image and the second one comes in plain. ok there was a story behind the blog's description. sebab suka sangat dengan hermione granger tak memasal copy quote dia bhahahaha!

I know I know. the layout, background and header are all pink which kind of annoying .-. because three years ago i were such a babyish, immature, etc... ok, since i love editing blog, i want to share headers i made. Some of these edits were done three years ago.

Penggunaan nama blog zaman kanak-kanak ribena :p
gmbr kucing amik kat google
Edit guna Photoscape

doodle semua amik kat google

jadilah diri sendiri kerana dirimu begitu berharga

apeni main kingdom2,
these edits were made by using Photoscape bcs the software aren't complex compare to Photoshop

percaya kat diri sendiri

Hahahaha masa ni noob, takde skill nak edit. anyways, feel free to share. boleh amik untuk buat header korang ek, jgn malu3 i'm truly sorry sebab design yang tak seberapa, mcm budak2 sangat masa ni :p

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