Happy Teachers' Day everyone :)


Such a lame, ain 🙀🙀

Salam & Hi!

A little life update: i got A's for both Geography and Science tests. Ok that's going to be a self-sustaining push towards PMR.

*ends of babble*

Does, anyone here remember that one, i used to call eye-candy, errr Subject, etc...?????
We've met AGAAAAINN. LIKE. ALWAYS. in such events regarding school and stuff whatsoever, lah.

The ultimate level of cinta mati buta :p

Tapi3, we've got to handle such huge event at the school. And that by i meant was 'being emcee with Musmay on Teachers' Day' it was Tc Umi selected both of us since Musmay and i are good friends when we were at 8

May 11th,
Teachers' Day began with a school assembly, then Guru Besar delivered his rambling speech. Pastuu....boleh teka kot chronology of event macam mana, memasing pernah celebrate Teachers' Day is it?  Here are photos taken by farisya (i pendekkan jadi faris)

Being emcee(s)

working on Teacher's Day

Kena tangkap gambar org

the lilysters forever in my heart

Cikgu Hadrah

We're gwiyomi-ing. 

why so serious???

Iffa ft. Qama

my fav. Tc Rogiah

Thank you for the photos faris, finally i can have thousands of reason to upload in here. And , there's one more, i've been a manager to the lilysters singers cuz yeahh, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to teachers by singing, surely the vocalist was Musmay cuz she's good at singing. i refused to join them since my voice sengau and tak sedap at all. and and and...i got to talk to Subject during the singing preparation


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