my boi
I know this is weird, but my hormones are going crazy.
It all started when i had some random talks with Mifit, Azizah and Fatin regarding the topic fangirling. and..yup! being 15 and all we do is fangirling over someone that doesn't even realise our existence. It was only me, myself is drowning deep into Adam's fandom whilst the trio are being K-pop fangirls ever since.

the girls when fangirling .-.
We kept rambling on fangirling til i saw my eye-candy on his way going to upstairs. Mifit asked me if something had bothered me from listening to her rambles. And i said yes, absolutely yes. The next question they asked me why i kept looking at the outside. MYGAWWD i found it so hard to resist his charm and i'd pretty much melt for his chinese-look but yet i couldn't spill it out.
"Ada crush kau ke kat luar??", kata seketul fatin. Pfffft fatin was right!
"Aku ada confession nih. Aku terrrrrsuka cikgu *** laahhh", i confessed.
All they did was, "euwwwww, geli do", "kau ni takde orang lain ke nak suka", "euww, orang tua jugak kau nak" with such disgust expression. bhahaahahaahahhahahahhahahaha! in fact that i've got to think twice before the confession session and yet i decided to be opened up with this kind of weird inner feeling with my lilysters.
Sebab dah kantoikan diri sendiri dengan dorang tapi still taknak satu kelas tahu, i referred him by the name 'Subject' in any conversation. The reason why i chose the name Subject..........
Recently, i got butterflies in my stomach since i've got to talk with Subject at the school lab FOR THE FIRST TIMEEE IN MY LIFE!
1st moment
The day went pretty much as usual. We had Pend. Islam extra class at 2pm in the comp lab. Since the school ended at 1.20pm i still had 40 minutes to spend. So, Fatin, Musmay, Farisya, Iffa, Ainul and i decided to take lunch at the school canteen and i bought myself a packet of buah jambu with asam serbuk as dessert. After 40 minutes plus, some of my classmates had prepared themselves with notes, modules, reference books and such but yet we had to wait up at the outside since we can't enter the comp lab without permission. Pastu, pastuu....boleh pulak Subject yang keluar dari comp lab masa tu.
Subject :Awak buat apa kat sini?
Adel: Kiteorg ada kelas tambahan cikgu
Subject: Kelas tambahan apa?
Adel: Kelas tambahan Pend. Islam
Subject: Kelas apa ni?
Qama: 3 Lily
Subject: Cemni, saya ada hal, saya pass kunci ni kat....
"Ain Atiqah, Ain Atiqah, cikgu", kata sekumpulan kanak-kanak ribena -Mifit, Azizah & Fatin
"awak pegang dulu kunci ni, nanti dah habis kelas, gi meja saya, simpan dalam drawer. Awak taukan cari tempat saya. Jangan hilangkan kunci ni, kalau hilang, nanti saya cari awak sampai dapat", kata seorang cikgu kepada seketul Ain Atiqah.
Pfffft i didn't expect that i would have a conversation with Subject since he didn't teach my class. Tu first time dapat cakap dengan Subject even sekejap je cuz i thought that he was in rush since he had to attend meeting, lah kot. Kot ye kot. Thousand of thanks to these trio cuz they did promote myself to Subject bhahahaha. Malunyaaa hanya Allah jer yang tahu masa tu. Next!
2nd moment
Ini...yang paling gembira cuz i met him once again. It all started when i was about to get into the maths extra class. Adel asked me to remind our maths teacher, Tc Rogiah at her office since she was been late for 10 minutes. By the time Mifit and i went to the office, Subject was looking for me (that's what i've been told by Musmay since i wasn't in the class)
"Ain, Ain mana Ain? Pergi cari cikgu, kelas awak bising nih" -Subject 2013
And then, it was Adel telling him that, Mifit and i had went to office to settle down the class' management. When i came back, Adel asked me to go by myself informed him on what to do.
Me: Cikgu (berlagu).
Subjek: Ya saya?
Me: Cikgu sepatutnya hari nih kelas Tc Rohana tapi Tc Rohana takde. So, Ustazah Habibah kata Tc Rogiah yang cover. Saya dah cari dah Tc Rogiah tapi Tc Rogiah pun takde. So, sekarang nih kiteorg nak kena buat apa?
Subjek: Kamu pergi cari cikgu tu.
Me: (buat muka tak paham) Tapi masalahnya Tc Rogiah takde.
Subjek: Tc Rogiah? Maksud kamu Tc Rogiah Moin tu? Penolong Kanan tu? Dia kat bilik mesyuarat.
Me: Saya dah cari dah takde jugak. Tempat dia pun sama.
Subjek: Oh, dia pergi kursus.
Me: Yeke?
Subjek: (gelak sket) Kamu pergi office suruh dorang cover extra class hari ni dengan hari lain.
Me: okay
Eh, tak habis lagi eh. After the extra class, i had group work on oral practice with Musmay. When i was about to drink nearby the meja bulat, he called me, by saying Tc Rogiah was at her office.
"Ain, tu Tc Rogiah ade kat office", kata Subject kepada seketul Ain Atiqah.
"yup, ok", i said with broad smile.
Thank God, i've got to see you again, Subject :)
It all started when i had some random talks with Mifit, Azizah and Fatin regarding the topic fangirling. and..yup! being 15 and all we do is fangirling over someone that doesn't even realise our existence. It was only me, myself is drowning deep into Adam's fandom whilst the trio are being K-pop fangirls ever since.

the girls when fangirling .-.
We kept rambling on fangirling til i saw my eye-candy on his way going to upstairs. Mifit asked me if something had bothered me from listening to her rambles. And i said yes, absolutely yes. The next question they asked me why i kept looking at the outside. MYGAWWD i found it so hard to resist his charm and i'd pretty much melt for his chinese-look but yet i couldn't spill it out.
"Ada crush kau ke kat luar??", kata seketul fatin. Pfffft fatin was right!
"Aku ada confession nih. Aku terrrrrsuka cikgu *** laahhh", i confessed.
All they did was, "euwwwww, geli do", "kau ni takde orang lain ke nak suka", "euww, orang tua jugak kau nak" with such disgust expression. bhahaahahaahahhahahahhahahaha! in fact that i've got to think twice before the confession session and yet i decided to be opened up with this kind of weird inner feeling with my lilysters.
Sebab dah kantoikan diri sendiri dengan dorang tapi still taknak satu kelas tahu, i referred him by the name 'Subject' in any conversation. The reason why i chose the name Subject..........
subject (noun) - a person or thing that is being discussed or dealt with, (Oxford Dictionary)
so far, here's the Subject i'm dealing with.
1st moment
The day went pretty much as usual. We had Pend. Islam extra class at 2pm in the comp lab. Since the school ended at 1.20pm i still had 40 minutes to spend. So, Fatin, Musmay, Farisya, Iffa, Ainul and i decided to take lunch at the school canteen and i bought myself a packet of buah jambu with asam serbuk as dessert. After 40 minutes plus, some of my classmates had prepared themselves with notes, modules, reference books and such but yet we had to wait up at the outside since we can't enter the comp lab without permission. Pastu, pastuu....boleh pulak Subject yang keluar dari comp lab masa tu.
Subject :Awak buat apa kat sini?
Adel: Kiteorg ada kelas tambahan cikgu
Subject: Kelas tambahan apa?
Adel: Kelas tambahan Pend. Islam
Subject: Kelas apa ni?
Qama: 3 Lily
Subject: Cemni, saya ada hal, saya pass kunci ni kat....
"Ain Atiqah, Ain Atiqah, cikgu", kata sekumpulan kanak-kanak ribena -Mifit, Azizah & Fatin
"awak pegang dulu kunci ni, nanti dah habis kelas, gi meja saya, simpan dalam drawer. Awak taukan cari tempat saya. Jangan hilangkan kunci ni, kalau hilang, nanti saya cari awak sampai dapat", kata seorang cikgu kepada seketul Ain Atiqah.
Pfffft i didn't expect that i would have a conversation with Subject since he didn't teach my class. Tu first time dapat cakap dengan Subject even sekejap je cuz i thought that he was in rush since he had to attend meeting, lah kot. Kot ye kot. Thousand of thanks to these trio cuz they did promote myself to Subject bhahahaha. Malunyaaa hanya Allah jer yang tahu masa tu. Next!
2nd moment
Ini...yang paling gembira cuz i met him once again. It all started when i was about to get into the maths extra class. Adel asked me to remind our maths teacher, Tc Rogiah at her office since she was been late for 10 minutes. By the time Mifit and i went to the office, Subject was looking for me (that's what i've been told by Musmay since i wasn't in the class)
"Ain, Ain mana Ain? Pergi cari cikgu, kelas awak bising nih" -Subject 2013
And then, it was Adel telling him that, Mifit and i had went to office to settle down the class' management. When i came back, Adel asked me to go by myself informed him on what to do.
Me: Cikgu (berlagu).
Subjek: Ya saya?
Me: Cikgu sepatutnya hari nih kelas Tc Rohana tapi Tc Rohana takde. So, Ustazah Habibah kata Tc Rogiah yang cover. Saya dah cari dah Tc Rogiah tapi Tc Rogiah pun takde. So, sekarang nih kiteorg nak kena buat apa?
Subjek: Kamu pergi cari cikgu tu.
Me: (buat muka tak paham) Tapi masalahnya Tc Rogiah takde.
Subjek: Tc Rogiah? Maksud kamu Tc Rogiah Moin tu? Penolong Kanan tu? Dia kat bilik mesyuarat.
Me: Saya dah cari dah takde jugak. Tempat dia pun sama.
Subjek: Oh, dia pergi kursus.
Me: Yeke?
Subjek: (gelak sket) Kamu pergi office suruh dorang cover extra class hari ni dengan hari lain.
Me: okay
Eh, tak habis lagi eh. After the extra class, i had group work on oral practice with Musmay. When i was about to drink nearby the meja bulat, he called me, by saying Tc Rogiah was at her office.
"Ain, tu Tc Rogiah ade kat office", kata Subject kepada seketul Ain Atiqah.
"yup, ok", i said with broad smile.
Thank God, i've got to see you again, Subject :)
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