Quick life update.

Salam ramadhan everyone! 

Here's a little life update in general.

I've been coping up with my daily routine these past few weeks. As usual, on Monday morning, i went to the school, got into the line, had a chit-chat with fellow lilysters, settled down the school assembly. Speaking of school assembly, this time, it was Musmay's turn being emcee and me, myself led the ikrar. And yup, that's how things work as usual at the school. 

Speaking of school too, i've got to meet Subject BUT THIS TIME HE WAS SURROUNDED BY GIRLS. That moment you got jealous with these pretty girls since, they were much closer to him than yourself as "a random girl" and you started to realize that he wasnt meant for you. Ughh menyampah. Rant ends here. 

Done with the school stuff and ugh Subject. Here comes something closer to trial. So, pre-PMR  is over. I REPEAT. IS. OVER. and now, i'm blaming myself for burning the midnight oil at the last minute before exams :p I have confession regarding the exams anxiety. It can seem scary to talk about PMR since sometimes i feel the future depends on what grades i get, which can cause me a lot of pressure and stress. What a life .-.

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