my gurls
High Tea ft. Steamboat at Cikgu Maimun's in Aman Putra
phew phew...guys i've made a real comeback after a month of my disappearance. i was busy caught up with the last minutes online application to boarding schools since Cikgu Maimun urged us to do so. What came across in my mind was that "apply jelah dapat ke tak, at least kita dah cuba, selebihnya kita tawakal". I personally want to get in there since my application to boarding schools was unsuccessful when i was 12. but then, i realised i've put too much expectations sometimes i forgot that "langit tak selalunya cerah"
btw, i've freshened up the blog with the new background, new pic of my version at the sidebar bla bla bla tu pun nak bagitau :p
so here's a quick update regarding a month of my disappearance -on having high tea and eating steamboat at Cikgu Maimun’s in Aman Putra (nyum3)

Cikgu Maimun layankan aje kerenah kanak3 ribena

"Makan dulu, baru bergambar", kata seorang cikgu disiplin kepada kanak2 ribena yang nakal.
btw, i've freshened up the blog with the new background, new pic of my version at the sidebar bla bla bla tu pun nak bagitau :p
so here's a quick update regarding a month of my disappearance -on having high tea and eating steamboat at Cikgu Maimun’s in Aman Putra (nyum3)

Cikgu Maimun layankan aje kerenah kanak3 ribena

"Makan dulu, baru bergambar", kata seorang cikgu disiplin kepada kanak2 ribena yang nakal.
People meet Cikgu Maimun, the one in all black. She taught us Sejarah since we were in form 1. Konklusinya Cikgu Maimun dah masak dengan perangai kiteorg semua within three years, and at the same time she's also being a cikgu disiplin sekolah, such a creepy bila Cikgu Maimun pegang rotan! ok tipu jer bab pegang rotan sume tu. boo!

kek ceklet meleleh

i almost forgot this one our VVIP, Ustazah Habibah who taught us Pend. Islam. Ustazah Habibah was the only one who made it to fulfill the invitation about coming over to Aman Putra since Teacher Umi and Teacher Rogiah couldnt make it perhaps due to their tight schedule as they had many things to do in a short time, lah kot.
Meet PND a.k.a Dayana on the left 👈

Dah makan kat rumah orang, anak dara kenalah tolong basuh pinggan :p

ooh,..before we were just about to leave, we exchanged a book of goodbye messages for everyone to write on it. errr, and by that i really meant everyone except for me since i didnt have one hehehe..
Here's the one, my goodbye message for the lilysters;
i wish to see these familiar faces again in the following year.
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