Pulang bermalam.

  by   Saturday, March 01, 2014   No comments
Pulang bermalam or they simply called as PB by dak2 MRSM Muar. 

Well, I already had my PB for the 1st time in my life semenjak dah officially jadi dak2 asrama nih. Ok macam kereks sangat bunyiknya. So nak ceritanya kat sini, saya dah berkenalan rapat-rapat, ketat-ketat dengan kawan dari sekolah harian yang lain, SMK Jalan Empat, nama dorang Farah & Fatin. Both knew each other before me and it seems they shared everything in common a lot. Contohnya, bila tengah cakap3 dorang akan buka topik pasal budak sekolah dorang. So, saya pun macam terkial-kial kat situ, macam, "hello, rakan3 saya ada di sini, jgn palau saya plis" memain je ok, jangan serious sangat. Tapi betul saya sangat gumbira dengan dorang cumanya, kadang-kadang saya rasa lain, sangat lain. Analoginya, jasad saya memang berada di Muar tapi hati saya tetap di bumi Putra Perdana. Oklah gais saya nak cakap yang saya ghindu my gurls sangat3. Boleh cakap sepanjang hari between classes saya rasa mcm nak balik rumah sebab homesick. LOL kanak-kanak sangat. Dipendekkan cite, bila kakak3 senior BWP mintak nama untuk PB, saya rasa excited sangat3 sebab yeayy saya dapat balik rumah, jumpa ibu ayah, jumpa my gurls dan yang paling penting sekali dapat jumpa dengan my eye candy. wink3 

Habis jer kelas last hari Khamis, sayalah orang pertama yang tunggu bas luar datang ke perkarangan Dewan Dato' Onn sambil menunggu ketibaan orang-orang besar saya, Farah & Fatin. Disebabkan kami dikenali golongan Selangorian, saya, Farah & Fatin duduk dalam satu bas selama 4/5 jam setengah untuk sampai ke TBS. Saya memang suka tidor dalam bas sebab sejuk dia macam kat Antartika. Analoginya bila saya & Farah tengah cakap3, saya boleh nampak Farah's cloud-breating when the surrounding air acted like a breeze, drying and cooling. Nak habiskan cerita, pejam celik pejam celik tetiba sampai TBS hahahahaha yeayyy 

I'm coming home, 
I'm coming home,
Tell the world that I'm coming home...

Pastu ayah picked me up and we both heading to our home sweet home. Aaahh, it feels so good to be back at home, to get to see such familiar faces again.

So here comes the plan, balik je rumah esoknya hari Jumaat, I requested my ayah to send me to the school pagi tu sebab nak jumpa Musmay, Iffa, Fatin, Mifit, Azizah and the rest lilysters. Pastu my ayah tanya, "perlu ke pakai baju sukan sekolah?? Pakai baju casual biasa tak boleh?? Awak kan dah berhenti sekolah situ." I were just like, alah biarlah ayah, takpe cikgu3 tak kisah pun. "Apa-apalah nanti kena tahan dengan guard jangan cari ayah" nayyy nope! memang tak pikir apa dah.

Dah sampai depan gate sekolah, mak cik guard tak suspicious pun sebab pakai baju sukan sekolah, so I walked like a boss sampai la kat tapak perhimpunan. Pastu dorang sume macam excited, we were just like huahuahahuahuhauha... kelas sebelah pulak pandang lain macam. Kanak3 sangat aku rasa weh! Disebabkan haritu hari Jumaat, the muslims recited yassin and the imam that lead us was Subject kot. Merdu banget suara beliau boleh buat iman saya jadi kacau. Pada hari kejadian, saya tak jumpa pun dengan cikgu3 sebab malu nak jumpa, but I sat 350 plus meters away from my place as I saw Cikgu Rogiah. Sebabnya saya seketul sorang je yang balik masetu. Yang lain macam Faris dengan Qama tak PB lagi sebab Kelantan jauh sangat kot. Dapat tengok dari jauh pun dah terubat rindu di hati ini. sobs

So, meet me another 3 weeks of my PB.

Perkara: pindah sekolah II

  by   Friday, February 28, 2014   No comments
Online facebook. 
Ting! masuk satu noti baru. 

Nur Qamarina tagged you in a post. 

tag???? Jeng3

Okay,, at dis moment i take a look at these photos uploaded by Qama on Facebook. Banyaknya expression muka aku yang bergumbira dengan mini celebration on the last day of school dengan dorang. Sedih tu macam tak nampak je. Hhahahha masetu tu jelah gumbira balik rumah dah start sebak. Haish menci nya kena tinggalkan dorang. Nak angkut sekali pergi Muar boleh tak?? 

Wokeh, memula tu memang nak pergi ofis  cikgu Rogiah jap sebab nak mintak berkat plus doa cikgu3 sekali la kan, yelah cikgu kan ibarat lilin, membakar diri untuk menerangi yang lain..." Tiga tahun hadap aku yang banyak songeh neh.

Some of gambar3 neh semua hak milik Qamarina Razali wokeh, since Qama sorang je yang cukup berani+gangster bawak fon terlarang pergi sekolah. Hahahaha... This  gimme a chill of sweet memories and sad feelings regarding our very last day of school in SMKPP. I didnt realise how quickly time had passed by. For sure i have to say my goodbyes kat kawan3 and cikgu3 after several years everything that took place on those memorable days. 

TAPI. YANG. PALING. CUTE.  SEKALI. about last few days before keluar masuk ofis untuk uruskan official docs pindah sekolah, tiber... masa nak mintak sign cikgu Rogiah tuuuu ada Subject siot kat dalam ofis. Handsome nya beliau, seakan bidadara turun dari langit ke-7. K.. Aku dah start merepek yang bebukan. But seriously! He's so handsome and i thought he was helping to reboot cikgu Rogiah punya laptop since the screen went all blank. Teheee..... When he was about to leave, guwe enggak menyangka yang cikgu Rogiah tiber point out pasal aku yang dah nak pindah sekolah!

I've been honest to Teacher Rogiah yang aku tersuka Subject selama neh.. Fuhh lega sebab dah terkantoi selama ni tersuka cikgu sendiri. I know rite.. this is the bravest attempt that ever been done by me,  silly girl! Since cikgu Rogiah watlek watpeace jek, hmm no comment lah, kan. 

Let's proceed to cerita laptop cikgu Rogiah yang went all blank tu tadi, in a mean time, Subject touched up sket3 laptop tu, cikgu Rogiah adalah bukak topik pasal aku yang nak pindah. "Ehh.. awak kenal Atiqah?? Dia nak pindah sekolah dah" pastu Subject reply, "Ooo.. kenal3 pindah kat mana tu??" pastu cikgu Rogiah pulak cakap, "katanya MRSM Muar.." tet tet tet pastuu aku macam blank dah takleh nak recall balik hhaahahahahahah!! 

This is the exact details apa yang Cikgu Rogiah cakap ok. Aku try hard kot nak recall balik benda ni just in case takut terlupa ke apa nanti. Mana tau bila aku free esok aku baca balik anything yang aku post kat sini pastu tersengih3 sensorang macam kerang busuk :p

*tak sangka, Subject kenai aku* 

Ok gedik sungguh aku neh! 

Terima kasih cikgu3 sebab mendidik saya secara langsung dan tak langsung. Muahhh sayang cikgu3.

young & stupid

  by   Monday, February 03, 2014   No comments

Aku dahlah asyik layan mood sedih aku dua tiga hari menjak ni. Datang pulak adegan mesra dorang3. Sakitnyer mata titew bile tengok adegan mesra schoolmates yang tengah couple. Eiii gelii tautak.

Ni tak hadap lagi dgn caption dorang "doakan kami kekal ke jannah" kat fb, twitter, blog. Hello... awak, ye awak yg tgh baca nih jangan jadi gediks sangat bleh takkkkk. Jeles? siapa cakap aku jeles, tolong sket eh, kbye!

Perkara: pindah sekolah I

  by   Saturday, February 01, 2014   No comments
Online facebook.
Ting! Masuk satu noti baru

Nur Qamarina to 4 Sc 1: Guys,next week aku last jadi penolong lol lps ni boleh fikirkan siapa yg nak jd penolong hhahahhah

You, Nurul Iffa Izra and 3 others like

Persoalannya sekarang... Kes aku related dengan kes Qama. Bukan sebab jadi penolong ketua kelas. Tapi pindah sekolah.

1. Betul ke ni nak pindah sekolah??
2. Betul ke ni nak tinggalkan kawan3??
3. Nanti dorang rindu aku tak??

Oh lupa haritu aku ada update pasal semakan ke MRSM untuk sesi 2014. Malangnya aku tak dapat SBP sebab org kata kalu tak dpt SBP maybe dapat MRSM la kot, kot ye, kot and vice versa.

Tup tup tup dapat masuk MRSM, even though aku aim untuk dapat masuk SBP. Hmm tak layak la kut, kut ye, kut.

Macam kes Qama dia dapat MRSM PC sama mcm Farisya and aku sorang2 tersadai kat selatan tanah air. Ibuuuu.!! Takutnya kena survive sorang. Tapi Mifit pun sorang kat Baling, Kedah. So the girls powerlah kot, kot ye, kot. The boys aku tak sure siapa yg dapat rasanya Shaukath dengan siapa tah lagi.

Bermulalah episode sedih dalam hidup saya.

Am i truly leaving them? Are they going to miss me like i do? Sebak sket la kan. For the God sake, I want to see these familiar faces again for the following year but then aku yang kena tinggalkan dorang. MRSM kot!  Siapa je taknak.

"takpayah lah pergi ain"
"stay je sini"
"alaa kau nak tinggalkan aku ke?"

Ni antara ayat2 syahdu from Fatin and Musmay and Iffa.

and, and, and... Yang aku paling pikir sekali...paling tak best, lepas pindah sekolah, tak dapat lagi jumpa Subject. AAAA SAYANGNYA NAK TINGGALKAN SUBJECT :p

Tiber rasa sayang sangat3 nak tinggalkan sekolah, jalan-jalan pusing satu sekolah masa waktu rehat, lumba lari siapa sampai lab dulu dia menang dengan Fatin dengan Musmay, jari kena sepit dengan PVC komponen masa KHB projek kayu kat bengkel, main2 dalam ofis Tc Rogiah dengan Cikgu Zarina, main netball takde rules, kumpul ramai2 kat dataran perhimpunan, paling penting ghindu kawan3.

So guys gimme some space to wrap up my golden age in SMKPP with goodbyes and tears. 

The sting

  by   Friday, January 31, 2014   No comments
I just found out that envy and jealousy are two different meaning and a yet different emotion.

Envy is the emotion when you want a possession someone else has.

Jealousy is the emotion when you fear you may be replaced in the affection of someone you desire.

Basically, I'm dealing with the emotion of losing and lacking something. I've shouldnt envy farisya at a first place of being accepted to MRSM Pengkalan Chepa. Actually, we both settled to make an attempt to enter MARA science college since the 'ticket' we had, made us 'available' to get enter MRSM. We received short text from MARA, saying;

MARA: Tahniah, anda terpilih untuk mendapat tempat di MRSM sekian, sekian sekian...

This message seemingly may put us into long distance 'friend'ship within hundreds of kilometers away since Farisya got placed jauh in Pantai Timur and I got placed in Muar, Johor. Well, rezeki kan, mana kenal erti kawan. So I started to gather all infos on the internet, what MRSM Muar looks like?? How far is it from home?? Who's the principal and yada yada. Then.... thank you to Pak Cik Google for revealing important info regarding MRSM PC is one of 6 MRSM Bitara and mine is only MRSM Premiere. I were just like,, how it could be??? Honestly, MRSM Muar wasn't in my list as I only chose the three nearest MRSM from my home in Selangor cuz I don't want to get homesick when am hundreds of kilometers away from ibu ayah. But, but, but the thing is I envy my own bestie just bcs I sibuk  count her blessings yang Allah bagi instead of mine?? Does it call as 'tikam belakang??' and 'kurang iman??'

Well, I think is that I shouldn't envy her just because she's being accepted into there, sebab itu rezeki dia. So takyah kot nak jeles3 ni, menyampah .-.Why don't you be grateful on what you have instead of comparing your rezeki with others???

“They recognize the grace of Allah, yet they deny it” – 16:83 

Forgive me for my weakness and attachment of worldly goods.

Photographs and memories

  by   Friday, January 31, 2014   No comments
im not sure why, but i love to talk about my friends in 2013.

kawan saya.

kawan3 saya ada banyak.
Ada yang kenal dari darjah satu.
Ada yang kenal dari darjah dua.
Ada yang kenal dari darjah tiga.
Ada yang kenal dari darjah empat, lima, enam,
Ada yang kenal dari form 1, 2, 3.....

I DO treasure friendship more than anything else on this Planet Earth. Few months ago, i have to say goodbye to yet another lilysters: Adel & Nazihah, meanwhile i'm no less surprised that i can still be affected by departures of these two boys; Haziq Najmuddin & Amirul Muliady and in my usual style i silently missed them and remembered them with affection especially when i'm in solace, reminiscing some old good days.

Adel is just like a BIG sister to me. I said so because she's such open-minded and at the same act matured when it comes to friendship matter. Having morning talks in Dataran Ilmu between 7.10 am and 7.30 am was considered a throwback to the days i started to know her inners well whilst Nazihah and i were not that 'rapat' as she preferred to spend her time with Aida and PND rather than us. Haziq & Amirul?? Dua-dua ni pun kadang-kadang boleh masuk air juga, kadang-kadang buat hal sendiri. Paling kelakar bila tengok Haziq berhalusinasi, main dia punya 'invisible guitar' bila cikgu tak masuk kelas. Comel waktu tu jelah ek..

And now i have to let go these people, it's like saying goodbye to four years of friendship and never to see them again afterwards. Kalau ayat sejenis Iffa Izra gedik, "Setiap pertemuan ada perpisahan. Bak kata omputih pulak, "Every story has an ending." People come and go in our lives. That's why we have photographs and memories.

 i have learnt to deal with their departures in order to let them grow wings and fly. 

The good thing is we managed to get 8As in PMR 2018. Every drop of tears, feeling tiredness and drained for every single day was just worth. i think my success should be credited to the lilysters bcs the spirit of study only came when i surrounded by them and also teachers hehehe.. ibu dengan ayah pun sama banyak bagi morale support contoh macam kena marah sebab asyik online twitter :(

Thank you Allah for everything you've granted for me and my friends. Sepanjang 15 tahun hidup, tak pernah rasa sendu macam ni; see you when i see you :)

Cerita cute

  by   Monday, January 06, 2014   No comments
Congrats to those who did well in PMR! On one hand, a part of me is relieved. It's like saya berjaya tamatkan semua nih dengan penuh bergaya at the same time bersyukur cuz all the lilysters have earned good grades above the school's specific target for PMR.

I wish to write much longer recalling all the bits of PMR that happened. For example, when Fatin got panic attacked as she forgot to bring eraser with her into the exam hall. And yeah she just outta of the room without telling the invigilator. Pastu kiteorg boleh tergelak. Chuckling to myself as i wrote about this, sebab Fatin macam kucing hilang anak cuz yeah she easily lost of control when getting nervous but *ahem* nevermind, she managed to get straight As as well. Congrats Fatin!

Okay the real cerita cute is actually when Subject congratulated me. Yes he did congratulated me for getting straight As! Dalam kepala otak ni, ya Allah, dia hapai muka aku ke?? Malunya erghh...

So, lepas dah amik slip result PMR kat Dewan Sri Putra, we stayed for a while to take pictures with the teachers but yeah i was just not interested but rather went to ayah's place where he stood at the corner back of dewan, waiting for him to give me a warm hug. Hahahah but he didnt. Ayah just acted cool and kissed me at the cheeks in public. Semua ayah dalam dunia ni memang cemtu ke,? hahaha pastu mintak izin kat ayah jap nak pergi office dengan the lilysters wuuuuu, jumpa Tc Rogiah since her office in the office, eh???

Masa kiteorg semua otw jalan lenggang-lenggok nak pergi jumpa Tc Rogiah, boleh pulak terserempak dengan Subject kat hallway kat vending machine where he used to park his vehicle.


Subject: Result PMR dah keluarkan?? Dapat berapa semua???
Adel: Alhamdulillah cikgu, semua straight As kecuali dalam dua tiga orang 7A.
Subject: awak semua kelas apa eh, saya lupa??
Qama: Lily
Subject: ooh, yang awak tu?? Apa nama?? (he pointed at me and i were just like, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HEREEEE???!!!!!)

Ok this is climax of cerita cute,
Me: 8A
Subject: yeke, takcayelah, meh sini saya nak tengok slip awak.

So, i walked towards him and showed up my result slip and dia boleh sengih macam kambing kat situ.

K, tak baik mengumpat cikgu nanti ilmu tak berkat.

The excited part is that, HE TOUCHED MY RESULT SLIP AND I WERE JUST LIKEE, rasa macam nak pengsan je kat sini.

Subject: Tahniah, bagus3. Cikgu Rogiah mesti bangga *senyum*

Got back home, i told ibu what my result is and she cooked my favourite dishes. I think tonight i will sleep with my result slip cuz kat situ ada bekas tangan Subject. Hehehe...sweet dream baby gurl ain :)

P/S; to you i crush on, but never tell.

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