
  by   Sunday, September 30, 2012   8 comments
semalam online twitter (follow la jangan malu3), masa tengah online, farisya pun online. maka berhuhuhu la kami tweet berdua di alam twitter ala3 sweet de amor gituu :) lol.

kiteorg berdua bermimpi sampai ke bintang bila borak pasai further study kat oversea. kalu ada rezeki further study sampai oversea, mesti seronok dapat travel negara orang. teringinnya nak pi tour london, tengok hogwarts muehehehe

7th years of friendship!

  by   Saturday, September 29, 2012   No comments
hi peeps!

i wanna wish my friend, fatin on her 14th birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAAAAYYYY FATIN NADZIRAH!

to be honest, fatin's birthday was on 24th sept has out of my mind. i cant recall that monday was her special day. aduii, macam mana boleh tak perasan. pastu tak bagi fatin hadiah pula. kesian tengok si fatin. mana taknya boleh pula minta hadiah dari i. hihihiks. anyways, i promised her that i'll wish on blog. nahh done fatin 😊😊 sorry hadiah takde fatin eh muehehehehehehe...

nak cerita sket, we knew each other since our childhood at 8. happy 7th years of our friendship fatin. i love moreeeeeeeeeeeee fatin :) talking about fatin, here's also my bestie, aliah but, she has moved away somewhere in klang. may she's in His blessings!

i miss aliah so much. it' has been 6 years of her moving. the three of us were best friends during our days in primary school -SKTPP. as far as i can remember, we've been together ALWAYS all the time and used to play fools and jokes with our 2 cergas classmates. after aliah's moving, fatin and i were placed into different class thus, the separation has put us into a long distance friendship as we're at 9! (hehehe, our class actually next to each other) 

ditakdirkan jodoh kitoerg panjang, two of us met again in smkpp & were placed into the same class! It's been a while since we've gotten together and talked face to face, kan fatin. so, sampai sekarang kiteorg kawan ala-ala sweet de amor :) 


Projek Sivik 1.0

  by   Tuesday, September 25, 2012   5 comments
Hello! i busy sket dengan sekolah. Nak cerita sket, cg. Hasniza, cg sivik minta kiteorg buat satu projek. Bukan calang-calang projek tau. hehehe.. saje kasi blogpost ni gempak sikit, sebab macam hambar je kan selama ni. pasai projek 1.0, what the heck first time rasa macam excited gila. Tapi, lepas tu dah start rasa malas + boring + penat + pening dan segalanya.

Terlupa pulak nak mention projek tu pasaipa. Projek tu menceriakan physics lab form 4 & 5! 😁😁😁
bunyi macam best je kan? err, but not for me. bukan nak merungut ke apa semua . Cuma agak susah mencabar sket.

First, kiteorg kena baca sket2 pasal basic physics. yelah bukan apa, kalau main buat tak ikut bukukan bahaya? misintepret info siapa nak tanggung? kiteorg juga. hahaha. Lepas tu, bermulalah hari yang agak membosankan dan memenatkan. Balik je sekolah terus buat projek ni. Kiteorg bahagikan kerja, sorang buat chapter yg ni, sorang buat chapter tu, aku buat ikut tajuk yang dorang kasi. mula-mula dapat Chapter 3: Forces and Pressure. Bab nak menaip tu takyah cakap la. Jenuh jugak menaip.

Itu baru chapter form 4. Belum lagi form 5 punya chapter, Electromagnetism. Perhh.. pening jugak belek3 buku physics. maklumlah saya form 2 tak belajar lagi chapter advanced cemtu. High level punya tau! So, sekarang tengah dalam proses nak siapkan projek. hopefully, everything runs smoothly.

one more thing, final's just around the corner. Semua subjek nak kena revise sket. Pastu, soalan pulak PPD yang keluarkan. sobbing 

nampak gayanya, ain atiqah harus bijak manage masa belajar, makan, main, tidur. cth, by creating perfect work schedule. ceh, dah banyak kali try buat schedule cemtu pastu, tak ikut pun. maka kita pun berhuhuhu

Being a Potterhead

  by   Saturday, September 15, 2012   2 comments
nak cerita pasal Harry Potter sikit. maklumlah saya potterhead. siapa pernah tengok iklan obsesi kat tv9? KLIK SINI. masa tengok iklan obsesi, dorang interview sorang abang ni yang obses dengan Harry Potter.

Bayangkan abang tu sanggup ikat perut nak kumpul duit beli hp merchandise. Saya tabik dengan abang! Hehehehe... Tapi, tak tahu pulak malaysia pun ada hp fansclub. Nak website dia tak? ok i just want to share. Korang klik sini la ye KLIK SINI. 

Nak cerita sikit yang aku membesar dengan hp since 12 tahun lagiMasatu tengok Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret kat tv je. bila dah lelama tengok macam best pulak. huhuhu, sejak dari haritu, aku sungguh3 buat hp movie marathon

Seribu satu alasan

  by   Monday, September 10, 2012   2 comments
hi, lama tak datang sini. sebabnya, sibuk dengan sekolah. Naik tingkatan 2, rasa macam tak cukup masa. tahun depan PMR mesti lagi sibuk dengan extra class, tuition, etc. . Harap-harap tahun depan tak selalu online facebook, twitter, tumblr. Itu pun kalau aku kuat imanlah.
kalau dah namanya budak sekolah, mestilah sinonim dengan kerja sekolah, betul tak? cuma
sejak akhir-akhir ni, meja belajar aku cukup serabut. bila meja pun dah berserabut, tuan dia pun berserabut. tapi bila nak kena kemas meja ni, ada je alasan nak bagi.

1. aih, nanti-nantilah kemas
2. tengok tv dulu baru kemas meja
3. tetiba malas nak kemas

tapi lama-lama kena kemas juga. cumanya, banyak3 alasan. hehe... akhir-akhir ni, asyik malas nak bukak buku. Entahlah sebab apa. mungkin sebab banyak main kot. kat sekolah main, kat kelas main, kat rumah pun main. tolong fokus ain atiqah. awak last batch pmr, kena buat sungguh-sungguh. 

Rambled on #1 :Act cool

  by   Sunday, September 02, 2012   No comments
I may think i'm cooler than i actually am. The fact that I have to act cool in order to hide my own insecurities.

This happened when i was at school. It was a school contest to win a grand prize. At first, i refused to take part bcs i realised i need to put a lot of effort into the contest to win the prize. That's what supposed the contest is all about, is it? 

it seemed that i cant be so determined with my decision. i took part because farisya was keen to ask me for joining her. she said, "kita masuk sama-sama, at least aku ada kawan
so, that's what friends are for, is it? 

knowing that the main reason i took part the contest for farisya's sake and at the same time i must win the contest. dipendekkan cerita, i spent a whole night, struggle, and put a great amount of effort just to win the contest. The day of the submission, i was overconfident that i'll get a first place.

dipendekkan cerita lagi, the contest winners announced after a week. guess what? farisya won 2nd place and i got nothing even untuk saguhati sekalipun. ughhh. Mula rasa dunia tak adil dengan insan yang lemah ini. i thought that i was cool for being a loser tapi sangkaan ku meleset, the insecurity hits me and i couldnt bear the sadness of being a loser. aaaaaaaaa. Shh, act cool ain, act cool like you always do

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