Yikes who reviewed this? what of this, I don't know


Cuti Deepavali, dah habis, apa lagi!
mari pulang ke sarang hulu! woohoooo!!!

oh yeah, ada lab Biomole next week.


Last night I slept quite late due to 1-3 hours X scrolling (formerly, Twitter.... why la Elon Musk bagi nama X) along with anak bulus of mine, ada 4 ekor. All 3 anak oyens and 1 black. The oyens memang lasak. Serious. Kalau I mak kucing, memang I gigit dorang like crazy and cakap, "ok jangan nakal yer oyens, nanti bibik marah...

Anyway... I had anxious thoughts la while scrolling X. Before I get to untangle my anxious thoughts tuh, I have to rewind sikit and story pasal my dunia research.

My research background is about microbial corrosion. Every week, within 2 or 3 days I would have a comprehensive discussion with my lecturer, Dr Q prior to my masters research project. A year FYP project + 2 years of fully research = at least 3 years, culminating in microbial corrosion literature, I noticed something was amiss sampai la waktu sekarang. "Why do I have a bravery claiming something like that?"  was what I thought.. then I stalked Godfather Lovley kat X (yer beliau tidak la lovely seindah nama).

oh. noo. mampus.

Godfather Lovley: Yikes who reviewed this? - ISMEJournal. 

Punya la I baca tweet Godfather tu I jadi seram! For me, it was such an argumentative declaration!!! alamak!

I pernah tanya kat Dr Q, "Godfather tu siapa?" and he said, "dia tu boss kepada boss I masa study PhD kat Georgia dulu. Godfather tu something like celaka! whenever Godfather published Q1 papers pasal microbial corrosion, end up Dr Q wassap I suruh baca + digest + analyze + present paper tu since we're progressing as similiar to that particular topic juga. So macam tu la discussion kiteorg. Kiteorang suka discuss arguments in whatever topic released by Godfather to improve our critical thinking pastu....... ok jom publish topic ni I want you to draft manuscript of all your results then, we will decide yang mana nak kena publish. Maka saya lagi panic!  

Ain how's progress? Ain email me your draft - takut sebab my results with opposing hypotheses to Godfather's. IT WAS A BIG NO!!!

so panic panic, plus apa yang PM Dr. Hazwan comment during viva voce haritu lagi la I rasa results ni memang tak boleh pergi jauh punya and possibly get rejected!


what to do? what to do ek?

P/S: criticism in academia...=B

1 comment:

  1. Your post was excellent! Your writing is both clear and compelling. Write more, please!


I'll reply you ASAP!

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