Yikes who reviewed this? what of this, I don't know

  by   Saturday, November 18, 2023   1 comment


Cuti Deepavali, dah habis, apa lagi!
mari pulang ke sarang hulu! woohoooo!!!

oh yeah, ada lab Biomole next week.


Last night I slept quite late due to 1-3 hours X scrolling (formerly, Twitter.... why la Elon Musk bagi nama X) along with anak bulus of mine, ada 4 ekor. All 3 anak oyens and 1 black. The oyens memang lasak. Serious. Kalau I mak kucing, memang I gigit dorang like crazy and cakap, "ok jangan nakal yer oyens, nanti bibik marah...

Anyway... I had anxious thoughts la while scrolling X. Before I get to untangle my anxious thoughts tuh, I have to rewind sikit and story pasal my dunia research.

My research background is about microbial corrosion. Every week, within 2 or 3 days I would have a comprehensive discussion with my lecturer, Dr Q prior to my masters research project. A year FYP project + 2 years of fully research = at least 3 years, culminating in microbial corrosion literature, I noticed something was amiss sampai la waktu sekarang. "Why do I have a bravery claiming something like that?"  was what I thought.. then I stalked Godfather Lovley kat X (yer beliau tidak la lovely seindah nama).

oh. noo. mampus.

Godfather Lovley: Yikes who reviewed this? - ISMEJournal. 

Punya la I baca tweet Godfather tu I jadi seram! For me, it was such an argumentative declaration!!! alamak!

I pernah tanya kat Dr Q, "Godfather tu siapa?" and he said, "dia tu boss kepada boss I masa study PhD kat Georgia dulu. Godfather tu something like celaka! whenever Godfather published Q1 papers pasal microbial corrosion, end up Dr Q wassap I suruh baca + digest + analyze + present paper tu since we're progressing as similiar to that particular topic juga. So macam tu la discussion kiteorg. Kiteorang suka discuss arguments in whatever topic released by Godfather to improve our critical thinking pastu....... ok jom publish topic ni I want you to draft manuscript of all your results then, we will decide yang mana nak kena publish. Maka saya lagi panic!  

Ain how's progress? Ain email me your draft - takut sebab my results with opposing hypotheses to Godfather's. IT WAS A BIG NO!!!

so panic panic, plus apa yang PM Dr. Hazwan comment during viva voce haritu lagi la I rasa results ni memang tak boleh pergi jauh punya and possibly get rejected!


what to do? what to do ek?

P/S: criticism in academia...=B

Life updates: Saya Yang Sekarang

  by   Thursday, November 16, 2023   No comments

ok last post was about ending the long hiatus, but allow me to share some of life updates between 2020 and 2023. 
*ni yang updated and santai punya tau*


so last month I completed my viva voce session for masters program in Bioindustrial Technology in UMK and this semester supposed to be my last sem la (4th sem) and alhamdulillah everything went as well as it could for me... yeayyyyy GOT!! =) 
Although there were times yang I rasa I brain fog... I answered those questions in speech based on my research project and discipline (dengan cara kelam kelibut), I passed with minor correction! hehehe!).

Now, I think I am officially an individual with masters at 25 y/o

Honestly, sebab banyak cerita yang jadi between the year 2020 and 2023, I want to summarize my life updates to a lot of people yang baca kat blog ni secara surface jer. 

so here goes!

1. career
I have been a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) as Physics and Biology instructor since August and I completed the 3 months contract before this December 2023, a month after I jadi graduate research assistant (GRA) to my supervisor, Dr Wee Seng Kew also known as Dr Wee, Dr Senq but I refer him - big boss Dr Q hahahah. 

Alhamdulillah GTA is doing well =) 
the reason I applied for teaching assistant sebab I want to gain some experiences in marking homework, lab report, demonstrating lab and tutorial classes. Since I've been assisting Dr Johari, Dr Irene & Dr Aina... I banyak handle SPM leavers from Asasi Sains Ascent UMK... 

in the same time, working on my masters project under Dr Wee, and I am loving both works!

2. studies
I took masters at the Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology in UMK to be exact on November 30th, 2021, a few months after I graduated my bachelor degree. Fuh!!! haritu ramai gak yang tanya... kenapa tak kerja dulu baru pursue masters degree??? *nanes sok sek* 

I wasn't keen to apply job in industry (dapat offer jugak for wastewater treatment in corrosion kat Puchong). In fact, I received an offer straight away to pursue masters degree kat UKM in chemistry/food technology but I lagi tahu selok belok lab work kat UMK, so I declined offer Prof Azwan of UKM (ada yang kenal ke? hehee...)

one more offer yang I susah nak decline is Dr Wee ada offer to continue my research project at PhD level. To be specific in Bioinformatics so I'll be playing around with some PCR, DNA extraction and gel electrophoresis stuffs. Sebenarnya, I suka dengan biomolecular stuffs sebabnya:
- I suka microbes
- I ada basic since I've been exposed to handle FYP students and class as well.
- Maybe this project will be bonded to Petronas (insyaAllah..)

basically, I have started a new chapter in my life. My priority now is my research and preparing for some publications. heee... publications tu memang tak boleh lari ya =) and applying grant.

3. research
kadang kadang terfikir macam mana boleh sangkut kat research as passion??
tapi... tak tau la. since sambung masters banyak pulak pintu rezeki terbukak dalam macam macam rupa! geran overseas, collaboration, networking, kawan, dan macam macam lagi!
to me, yang paliiiiiiiiig mahal sekali, rezeki ilmu tu dan jugak wisdom/advise dari Dr Q.
apa yang Dr Q ajar, nasihat & share banyak sangat mengubah perspektif and personaliti seketul Ain. Kebajikan terjaga jugak la dan banyak sangat membantu my own journey to become a mature person eventhough, still buat perangai budak mentah depan Dr Q (rasa macam nak jentik dahi pun ada), tapi saya insan yang masih belajar dan humble down to the Earth dengan ilmu yang tak seberapa. 

that's why I love research. ihiikkkkK! =)

4. geran overseas apa yang ko cakap nih?
well, I awarded a grant. Pada hikmah saya, saya tak terfikir pun student masters noob macam saya nak apply geran sendiri pastu DAPAT! (nak tips tak?? ihiiik!!). Hanya Allah yang tahu sebab saya pun coaching and hentam sendiri jer. Thing is, I am the one yang rasa segan for the award, so nak ikutkan, AKU STUDENT NOOB JERRRR! ehehehehhehehehe =p

tapi tu lah, yang banyak ajar Dr Q, Dr Sarizam, Dr Najmi. so thanks and credit to them la kan =)
in the mean time, I'm doing the best I can to prepare for lab work le bebeh.
project pasal apa? nanti I cerita lain ok sebabnya ada dua project lebih kurang jer cuma lain theories =)

this is my very first international grant la from Japan pasal Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) but this isn't for project PhD pun, cuma sidekick project jer.

rasanya tu jer kot. 
tak tau dah apa lagi yang nak di"life updates".
nampak macam tak clear sangat explanation =p

papepun, thank you for the following me all this time, and sudi baca XOXOXO arigatou

Life updates: End of Hiatus

  by   Wednesday, November 15, 2023   No comments
When I am about to share some recent posts on my life updates, etc... either on Facebook feeds, Instagram or X (formerly Twitter), I realize to keep those posts being viewed by public is unbearable. So I changed the view setting into custom, sorting them available to only close friends. The funniest part was that the determination would only last for 20 minutes before I decided to delete them forever. I swear it happened just now when I intended to press the delete button, thinking some petty posts I made would offend some friends with no intention. Really? What in your mind between posting and deleting?? Today, I am able to confirm, the reason I am being silent on social media; the fear of judgement sometimes shocked me into certain level. Oh the idea of getting busy with academic involvement was another episode of life drama.  

My very last post in 2020 was all about being final year student during the pandemic of COVID 19. The challenge was only certain number of us had the access to use lab for FYP lab work. I were one of them enjoying the life of isolation before the world went back to normal. Today, after a-3 year hiatus from blogging, I will pour my life updates in a piece of writing again. 

Here's a recent photo of me @ Sekinchan, Kuala Selangor. Detaching myself from unpleasant and meaningless thoughts. XOXO

a photo of bendang sunset taken by Ayoi's iphone


P/S: because I refused to let people know what I've been involved so far. No. I mean no bragging at all. It's just how dedicated I was to remain reserved and resilient in my own spaces. 

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