issa wraaaapp!
Halu elibedi, long time no see, sorry for the long hiatus mode. I got messed up in the 5th semester regarding our never-ending mini project(s) and that when the 1st half semester of the 3rd year is about to end, I couldn't be more grateful with the blessings of good the lab soulmates. For sure, they are the perfect balance of responsible and laid back.
The tight schedule and the out numbered mini project is doesn't matter when it comes to you guys. Speaking of mini project, who knows that we got 4 of 'em no no no I mean 5 including hygiene which I thought gonna be kacang hijau but it simply not. Oh why I always thought that hygiene gonna be easy peasy, though I'm not even good in memorizing facts. hukhuk
Semester 5 is such an intense, exhilarating and terrifying experience .... Why I said so?? Jeng jeng jeng
1. Lots of mini project regarding on how to cultivate culture. When I mean "cultivate" it really means cultivating the microbes. You know that even you got 11 brains in the group but only 7 to 8 of 'em really worked well and could figure out things to do next. Somehow, I felt that I'm not even helping as much as I could, hehehe even my brain is also malfunctioned as well, Hiks.
Also, I learnt that this one guy, my partner lab, Rafique or Rafi Que you see, I speak with most of his name ends with a Q like pronunciation. It was Nawwal who started to tease by calling him Rafi Que, the solid 'Q' at the end by his name, then you gotta see he's blushing out of sudden sebab kena usik dengan budak perempuan hahaha.
Oh speaking of Mr. Rafi Que, for me he's a mad genius! He usually prefers silence to saying the something which isn't being asked in the first place except when Sarah, she's the one who led the mini project would urge him to contribute his valuable piece of mind to solve troubles regarding our mini project which gave us continuous headache sometimes.
2. This girl, Zana who is two years older than me got her own way to make me chilled some of the time when the experiment went intense pain. But, Zana really took it chill in her own style. She's such a chilled-type of lab partner but I think selamber suits her well because she's down for anything. Tak takut, tak gentar, tak kusut walaupun ribut datang membadai. Kahkahkah ayat macam tak boleh nak hiperbola lagikan bunyik.
Thing to say is that I really enjoyed every second of her accompany during our working on mini project. Things get confused sometimes, but when with her, "You don't know the next step?? Just wing it." Hahahaha sounds the way too chill Zana but never mind, it worth my babygurl!
3. Thanks to Sarah. For awhile now we have been putting into the same group since our Biochemistry in the 2nd year. Being Sarah, she's considered a beauty with brain. Not that hottie gurlzz who likes to wear make up on the face every single time they got to go to classes. Sarah is just like a Melayu tulen, for sure, she's ayu, got her own beauty ala-ala gadis Terengganurians who speak with most of 'g' like pronunciation dekat belakang but indeed garang. Heck ... even the best joke I ever tried to slip in about Terengganurians speaking, "kalau pinggang korang pronounce macam mana ek?? Dia bluetickkan aku weh.. hmmm sedih T_T
4. Anger issues. Oh this one doesn't relate with Rafi Que, Sarah, Zana, Nawwal, etc rather lab partners from bioproduct. The work still has to get done but miscommunication occurred over the simplest task like, who want to pick up our dried c. odorata leaves from oven at 8 am??
All in all, it worth all the effort. We won 2nd place for both mini project and dapat bawak balik dua hamper besaq banyak cekedis for a week lagi-lagi sekarang musim hujan kat Kelantan ni. Nom nom nom
The tight schedule and the out numbered mini project is doesn't matter when it comes to you guys. Speaking of mini project, who knows that we got 4 of 'em no no no I mean 5 including hygiene which I thought gonna be kacang hijau but it simply not. Oh why I always thought that hygiene gonna be easy peasy, though I'm not even good in memorizing facts. hukhuk
Uuuu muka anak3 lab function buat bioprocess kecuali yg tudung kaler biru :p
Semester 5 is such an intense, exhilarating and terrifying experience .... Why I said so?? Jeng jeng jeng
1. Lots of mini project regarding on how to cultivate culture. When I mean "cultivate" it really means cultivating the microbes. You know that even you got 11 brains in the group but only 7 to 8 of 'em really worked well and could figure out things to do next. Somehow, I felt that I'm not even helping as much as I could, hehehe even my brain is also malfunctioned as well, Hiks.
Also, I learnt that this one guy, my partner lab, Rafique or Rafi Que you see, I speak with most of his name ends with a Q like pronunciation. It was Nawwal who started to tease by calling him Rafi Que, the solid 'Q' at the end by his name, then you gotta see he's blushing out of sudden sebab kena usik dengan budak perempuan hahaha.
Oh speaking of Mr. Rafi Que, for me he's a mad genius! He usually prefers silence to saying the something which isn't being asked in the first place except when Sarah, she's the one who led the mini project would urge him to contribute his valuable piece of mind to solve troubles regarding our mini project which gave us continuous headache sometimes.
2. This girl, Zana who is two years older than me got her own way to make me chilled some of the time when the experiment went intense pain. But, Zana really took it chill in her own style. She's such a chilled-type of lab partner but I think selamber suits her well because she's down for anything. Tak takut, tak gentar, tak kusut walaupun ribut datang membadai. Kahkahkah ayat macam tak boleh nak hiperbola lagikan bunyik.
Zana time ginilah hang nak buat boomerang ala-ala penampakan kelibat bergerak.
3. Thanks to Sarah. For awhile now we have been putting into the same group since our Biochemistry in the 2nd year. Being Sarah, she's considered a beauty with brain. Not that hottie gurlzz who likes to wear make up on the face every single time they got to go to classes. Sarah is just like a Melayu tulen, for sure, she's ayu, got her own beauty ala-ala gadis Terengganurians who speak with most of 'g' like pronunciation dekat belakang but indeed garang. Heck ... even the best joke I ever tried to slip in about Terengganurians speaking, "kalau pinggang korang pronounce macam mana ek?? Dia bluetickkan aku weh.. hmmm sedih T_T
4. Anger issues. Oh this one doesn't relate with Rafi Que, Sarah, Zana, Nawwal, etc rather lab partners from bioproduct. The work still has to get done but miscommunication occurred over the simplest task like, who want to pick up our dried c. odorata leaves from oven at 8 am??
Thank you Dr. Rosma and Dr Wan atas tunjuk ajar yang tak berbelah bahagi & Tenkiu for the vote! :)
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