Mind wanders

Today's lecture sangat menusuk kalbu. I can tell that all my coursemate would feel the same as I did, but the Guy-With-A-Gummy-Smile, THIS GUY OMG! turned out to be seorang yang mudah terhibur pada hari kejadian barangkali since I heard him gelak terbahak-bahak during the enzyme class when it comes to enzyme teaching by Dr. Aini. Those enzyme jokes never get old, is it.

Today's lecture seems to be out of topic. Instead we were being taught on lignocellulosic enzyme, the lecturer brought us to think outside of the box for a while regarding the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass from waste to wealth. If people asked me is there something to do between the lignocellulosic enzyme and the biomass, I would simply take a few minutes to think. Think ain think!

My random, general answer got to be lignocellulosic enzyme is a degrading enzyme used in plant dry matter, so called lignocellulosic biomass. As you can see, the word enzyme itself represents an important role in breaking down complex molecules into its monomer, so called the simpler molecule. Meanwhile the word lignin and cellulose referred to a complex organic polymer deposited in plants cell wall to which they supply the strength and rigidity of plant walls.

Yeah, bla bla bla bio stuff -,- so what?

Ok continue. The major plant cell walls however consist of three main lignocellulosic components lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. These compositions are differed for different types of biomass.  The dense layers of cellulose and hemicellulose are packed by layers of lignin hence, pretreatment is necessary to breaking down the lignin layers in order to expose both cellulose and hemicellulose. So, pretreatment is the first and most important step in lignocellulosic biomass processing. Why so?? Sebab lignocellulosic biomass is considered unfermentable as most of the microbes incapable to degrade it without pretreatment.

(Saya pun bermonolog sejenak, thinking so pretreatment yang macam mana that has to be taken to break down the lignin layers?)

At some point, that was probably one of the reasons why I insisted to go to the today's lecture, listening to enzyme stuffs. LOL

Ya allah, the last time I've so done listening to this part when my bed was calling my name and I insisted to get myself out from, yep my beautiful soft warm bed. You see, the problem was I couldnt get out of bed since the blankets have accepted me as one of their own belongings. Tapi disebabkan saya waras sikit masa tu, saya tetap paksa diri untuk datang lecture.

"Enzymatic hydrolysis has to be efficient, rapid and complete to preatreat the biomass..."

"Enzymes are added to hydrolyze the pretreated lignocellulosic biomass into fermentable sugars including glucose and/or oligomers that can be further converted into valuable products through biological and chemical approaches."

"Ibarat sampah yang dibuang, di kemudian hari boleh menjadi sesuatu yang berguna"

"Same goes to some of you that being a late bloomer in their age group. Cumanya, saya tak cakaplah awak3 ni sampah, kata Dr. Aini kepada anak3 didiknya."

And the whole class laughed towards the statement.

By time the Guy-With-A-Gummy-Smile laughed so hard, something had pierced my heart to such a deep, emotionally statement.

The point is, however, the late bloomers begin to do well in college or at work, they will go from a barely noticed individual to a star. They do not suddenly become smart or talented. And maybe I'm pretty sure that it can be triggered by some other events that happen in a specific period of time. Of course, the transformation from being barely noticed individual to a star isn't due to overnight magic.

Metaphorically, they get to use escalators while you’re taking flight of stairs to your life journey. When you’ve finally reach your final step, it’s supposed to be an accomplishment, right? 

Out of sudden, you know that when the reality hits you out of nowhere. It's just getting hard to pay 100% fully attention without my mind wandering to some other places. Ok berangan lagi dalam kelas.

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