COVID-19 pandemic

  by   Saturday, April 25, 2020   5 comments

I still stuck at my current place, thousand miles away from home while it's on lockdown before the Government extends MCO by another two weeks to May 12. Not sure with the idea of bringing students back to their home but yet, still I'm one of them. On one hand, distancing dearself in two bedded room, away from the public menace with fellow sissy staying on Aras 1 is just a prescription for happy pills. On one hand, being far away from the loved ones on this pandemic makes me misses them more.

I'll be back after the pandemic, i promise xoxo

My dear, Four Feet

  by   Friday, February 14, 2020   No comments

We feel the immediate absence of our feline pet, Uteh as he left us through unknown hidden pain he dealt with, till his very last breath at home.  

Uteh is such the best companion of ours through his unconditional love and acceptance —He would greet us at the gate when we return home. He even sent us away to the car when we were about to leave him for a few days for balik kampung (he can understand our certain word and action sounds mean).

In his lifetime, if I pat the floor for several times, he respond well by lowering his body to the ground, exposing his tummy to be rubbed. Then I heard the soft purring bundles of warm, leaving at his vocal cords when he exhales and inhales. I feel calmer and more peaceful afterwards. That feeling of contentment he share with me becoming a warm place to love him more. 

I just came back home for a month of semester break when I was told by ibu he was sick. As a result, he seemed thinner compared to the previous last three months when I saw him —He had a healthy body weight and muscles toned and strong. 

We first noticed his eyes. He got his both pupils blown and always dilated like completely round in the day. We were surprised by his sudden eyes damage and vision loss when he slowed walking to the kitchen and hit one of the counter like he saw nothing ahead.

Uteh acted differently in his last days as such he skipped meals, he would sit and stay at one corner alone. No more bird hunting, no more self-grooming rather putting himself in solitude, away from his other siblings. Ibu was the one whom care Uteh at most during his last days on Planet Earth. Then, we would know that his time has come. At time passed, I got to rub your head for the very last time. 

I'll miss you for a little while, Uteh.

With great power comes great responsibility

  by   Thursday, February 13, 2020   No comments
1. Citing Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben in Spiderman to someone I used to know who bears great power and influence beyond others in our organization, reminds me of great responsibility he must endure through time.

2. In the old days I played jokes on one of my best companion that I wished to marry a royalty. Yes, every girl dream of marrying princes charming and becoming princesses. Thanks to fairytales like Cinderella — ‘And they lived happily ever after.’

3. Marrying a prince would make you his princess. At least, that was been told in our childhood from generations to remind the girls that the handsome and charming prince always belong to the girl who behaves with the utmost courtesy towards everyone she meets.

4. However in this modern era, an actual real-life prince is difficult to find. Considering you have mutual friends with royalty or sharing connection among them then, it can be reconsidered to find one just like Kate and Prince William.

5. Prince or no prince maybe some of us might just happen to bump into men that hold powerful positions in political, economic and even social power. And maybe some of us might just happen to bump into average men yet still they play huge role in society, workplace as well as household because man is likely to associate with power compared to woman.

6. Realising every successful man there stands a strong woman. A man with great power comes great responsibility as well as YOU, WOMAN. There's a mother's hard work, a wife's support perhaps a sister well wishes for our beloved men.



  by   Saturday, January 04, 2020   No comments
2020 —welcoming a fresh decade with spectacular firework display to the skies from around the globe! While me, sitting on meja belajar, having guts about exam in new year & January.   

Pls send help.

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