Recapturing the moments of Raya Haji

This raya haji has been the most happening since we finally took turn celebrating hari raya haji, sebelah ibu in Pahang. ooh right, just like in previous years, raya haji isnt a big deal to balik kampung since i've no atoks and neneks to visit to, so we were likely to spend the whole day visiting families and relatives in KL or else staying at home, watching tv. Walla!

But this raya, we decided to balik kampung to fulfil the walimatul'urus of my very own cousin, Kak Yaya and errr, husband! Welcome to the legacy, Abang Raja!

from left; Kak Baby, Baby Qaseh, Ika, Kak Yaya & Qila


Apart the wedding, i finally get to see the young woo in a single picture framed by Mak Andak. and yup, woo refers to nenek in bahasa kampar. i've been mentioned what's behind the woo thingy before and also our family roots. hehehe, so why not you check them out in here?

My woo was on the right, wearing selendang and the boy in the picture was Pak Dahlan.

Pak Dahlan is a father to Kak Yaya and a big brother to my mum. He's humorous and can tell good jokes in an intelligent way. i remember everytime i met him during hari raya, he would make a joke of my brother, Iqbal with his catchphrase "kita ada kawan nama dia iqbal, dia duduk kolumpoq" hahahaha :p

And people, meet my same age cousin, Aqila. She used to be my geng main masak-masak since childhood. Here was the photo taken in 2012, so much relatable is it?



beware those eyes, bro

i'm giving kisses to this little cute one

When i was a kid, i used to balik kampung here in Mentakab a lot when my woo was still around. But as i'm growing up, i notice that i didnt feel the festive mood, and yet it makes me wonder why. i was once feel quite awkward when it comes to family reunion, like 'am i that adult?' the fact that i'm introvert, makes everything hard to cope with people around, including the cousins. ugghh...So, i'll leave you with pictures above for now.

I'll be back next time! xoxo


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