i've been mentioned like one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times i'm not that into Chemistry but when it comes to this good-looking lecturer, known for his charming smile, get into your class lab and take over the session, you find it so hard to resist his charm and the heart get start to melt.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's call him Dr. A
Like seriously, this is not his very first time took over the class since we had our last lecture on Electrochemistry. Before we haven't meet him yet, there was rumours going around about his handsomeness among the first year students especially the girls, la kan.
Gosh, I've found myself in the same situation! The other day when he entered into the lecture, I would pretty much melt. He's quite simply gorgeous with his charming smile upon his face. He dresses well and has a dry sense of humor.
The most exciting part was in the calorimetry lab. Dr A was in charge for the three courses. As biotech had the most number of students, we were likely to get moved into the next lab which handled by the lab assistant. Ok i envied the other two courses sebab they were lucky to get him under his vision. Anyway, being separated doesn't mean that I can't usyar dari jauh, kan? So, in the lab, after the experiment was done, we were given questions and need to write down the calculation and facts regarding the experiment. Compile those section and submit them by group at 5pm sharp.
It was Sarah and I were in charge for the calculation about the energy released (E) and stuff. We had some misunderstanding specifically on both masses of HCl and NaOH in solid form. Yes, freaking chemistry stuff...... Ok let's skip this part. So, I told Sarah to go ask for Dr. A -he's in the next lab.
And by that I meant, let's go 'usyar' him at the next lab.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's call him Dr. A
Like seriously, this is not his very first time took over the class since we had our last lecture on Electrochemistry. Before we haven't meet him yet, there was rumours going around about his handsomeness among the first year students especially the girls, la kan.
-It's always girls who fancy their lecturers,
Gosh, I've found myself in the same situation! The other day when he entered into the lecture, I would pretty much melt. He's quite simply gorgeous with his charming smile upon his face. He dresses well and has a dry sense of humor.
The most exciting part was in the calorimetry lab. Dr A was in charge for the three courses. As biotech had the most number of students, we were likely to get moved into the next lab which handled by the lab assistant. Ok i envied the other two courses sebab they were lucky to get him under his vision. Anyway, being separated doesn't mean that I can't usyar dari jauh, kan? So, in the lab, after the experiment was done, we were given questions and need to write down the calculation and facts regarding the experiment. Compile those section and submit them by group at 5pm sharp.
It was Sarah and I were in charge for the calculation about the energy released (E) and stuff. We had some misunderstanding specifically on both masses of HCl and NaOH in solid form. Yes, freaking chemistry stuff...... Ok let's skip this part. So, I told Sarah to go ask for Dr. A -he's in the next lab.
And by that I meant, let's go 'usyar' him at the next lab.
We walked in, straight to his desk and guess what, he surrounded by girls asking him questions.
At least, it was not only me have a massive crush on him. In front of his desk, Sarah and I kept defending our own opinions. i'm sorry i couldn't find the best way to relate this situation so i put them into conversations;
Sarah: Dr kenapa dr cakap mass of solution mesti 200g?
Kereks: Kalau buat assumption 1mL = 1g of solution?
Dr A: Eh tak boleh, sebab awak just total, kan the solution into 200g.
Kereks: Tak kecik sangat ke value tu Dr.? macam tak logik.
Sarah: Kan aku dah cakap. werks
Dr A: Laa lain kali tanya saya, tengok tu muka awak dah malu-malu (he's pointing at me)
In the end of lab session, I hand over him the report with the simplest handmade cover page with names, matric number and programme (forgot to write his name) which written in cakar ayam. 'ya allah tulisan siapa ni?' he asked inquisitively. Sarah then pointed me out straight towards him.
Kereks: Kenapa doktor buruk sangat ke? nak buat yang lain?
Dr A: Eh takyah-takyah
pastu, HE CHUCKLED TO HIMSELF. I don't know why. So i concluded that Dr. A seorang yang senang terhibur
P/S are marks deducted for the cover page without the lecturer's name?