Some hearts understand each other, even in silence

  by   Saturday, March 24, 2018   No comments

Few days back I met 'your mother', she's a wonderful woman and a very special of mine. She was known for her generosity and the fact she was a cat lover. If you walked by our home somewhere in Putra Perdana, you got to see her fed a bunch of kittens nearby in the noon. Simply said 'your mother' would pamper them, cuddle and snuggle like all the time on the couch. Even she knew she was diagnosed with having sporotrichosis, like...none can put them apart, ok? We all knew, your mother was a much-loved ours. Back then when i was kid, she would serve our neighbourhood with makan-makan and yassin recital. And, after all this time, i asked myself,

"Why her?"

Honestly, how would i answer to that? I mean, you might ask why i put your mother at the best place of mine, out of thousands, millions of people in my whole lifetime, why her? because number one; by the time we met, i was treated like her very own daughter and she would simply call me 'kakak'

Kakak means nothing to you, to them or anyone but I do appreciate that simple act of kindness. She's a mother of four boys with no daughter. If you read to this, only real man gives her mother fully-attention she deserves, gives her all of your loves and treats her like a queen. I remember my first day meeting you with your mother made the first move. Tadaaaa! you and i become acquainted. As we both were 7 you had your mother picked up you from the school bus with she carried your school bag (such a manja haha), while i was all alone, walked home under the scorching sun with heavy school bag on my back (ibu lambat sangat sampai) then....your mother offered me to carry mine. And my love for your family grew deeper ever since. 
I don't know what tomorrow holds but i know what holds tomorrow. Allah is the best of planners as He did sent your mother to me to teach me ngaji quran at your house. Days passed, you and i became closer, we got to go for the same school, same class even after maghrib I got to see you again for ngaji session at your house except for the weekends. Can you imagine seeing you like all day? At the school lah. At your house lah. Annoying but nevermind.

The funny part was we were picking fight. I teased you for being anak manja, anak ibu bla bla bla and so on iyelah you are the youngest, right? Mana boleh kena usik macam paan, mirul, syafiq kan? Pastu ngadu kat ibu ada orang usik awak, adoi awak ni kenapa kelakar sangat encik apip? Somehow I have to admit, i were just like your same age little kakak with 27 days older, lol

Things went complicated as i were caught in act of having crush on you by A.Fauzi. Ok itu cinta monyet tak seberapa sangat. We ended up like nothing happened after we worked out well in UPSR. FULLSTOP. The good news was you were accepted to study in SBP and i found myself didnt get into boarding school. Ehh..Sekolah harian ok whattt, personally i love my sekolah harian than my mrsm ok. Our story does not stop there as for 3 yrs later I did further my study somewhere in mrsm. 

Though we got into different school, your mother did welcomed us home (bukan awk sorang ye encik apip) with bacaan yassin. Home sweet home, I overwhelmed. Only God knows how I miss my family, your mother and everyone whom inspired me to do well in school. lol yeah who says school is easy meh sini aku ketuk kepala engko. Masa ni iyelah rasa mcm payah giler especially when you tried to adapt into new environment, new subjects, new friends etc.

As we turned 20 now in 2018, i couldnt believe yet we still bound together. Hehehe to you, thank you and take care yourself at Egypt!

Lots of love, the kereks๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ

Buku aduan pelajar

  by   Wednesday, March 14, 2018   No comments
Chemistry pick up line, source - Google 

Write the element name and its symbol regarding the number of atomic mass given below. 
0.5 points is given for each element name and its symbol. Total point given only 5 points, the other two elements are bonus in case if you can't remember among these seven elements. 
Good luck! -Dr Wong
  • 112
  • 113
  • 114
  • 115
  • 116
  • 117
  • 118

Daku tergelak sendiri dengan soalan kuiz ni. Pasaipa aku gelak?? Sebabnya aku cuma ingat 4 dari 7 element ni. Itulah kecik-kecik orang suruh hafal periodic table tapi otak hang taknak hadam. Boleh pulak awak mispelled Tennessine, Ts jadi Tennesse (hang ingat bola tennis apaa??) lol, hang habaq hang dah boleh kutip untuk 4 points. Lagi, hang cuma ingat Nihonium, Nh .. Moscovium, Mc ... Organesson, Og ... lagi 0.5 point untuk simbol Tennessine, Ts .. so overall hang kutip 3.5 points out of 5 points. Adoi itulah jangan overconfident sangat, awak ni kan grrr

  • 112- Copernicium, Cn
  • 113- Nihonium, Nh
  • 114- Flerovium, Fl
  • 115- Moscovium, Mc
  • 116- Livermorium, Lv
  • 117- Tennessine, Ts
  • 118- Organesson, Og

Principle of Chemistry - ini kuiz akhir untuk last lecture Dr Wong. Why you're leaving so soon Dr Wong???๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฟ๐Ÿ˜ฟ Saya paling suka Dr ajar saya chemistry afterall i'm really bad at this (sobbing) I couldnt believe that I'm going to open a new book again for al-kimiya. What the hell with those moles, calculation, stoichiometry, acid and base  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

BIOCHEMISTRY - Ini satu hal depa ni siblings of chemistry ke apaa?? I dont know why if i see the word "Chemistry" i tend to rebel much on this subject ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ Anything related with the bicarbonate buffer system, the citric acid cycle, buat lab report sampai muntah bla bla bla i cried and bye people

Introduction to Genetics - Hello father of genetics, Gregor Johann Mendel ๐Ÿ˜™ a big thank to his genetic experiments on Pisum savitum. He had discovered the fundamentel laws of inheritance. The term genetics itself sounds complex. Especially with those DNA cant be seen with our naked eyes. It may seem i've got to occupy some spaces in my brain to memorize certain parts of DNA, DNA made up of proteins, stages in mitosis and meiosis, the law of dominance, segregation and independent assortment, how's they correlating to each other yada yada yada i think i've fallen in love with genetics.

Algebra - the most killing subject goes to him. Why there's any stereotype saying Asian are good at maths? I'm dying at ultimate level.

ENTREPRENEUR BEHAVIOUR - you'll shall be passed if you're thinking like an entrepreneur lol. Sebab Madam Su kata subject ni senang score compared to Asas Keusahawanan. Ok. ok. ok as long as im ok then im alrightt

English II - What the heck muet lagiii awwwwwwwrghhhhhhh

SEMINAR REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 - hmm pihak atasan nak memperkasakan lagi ekonomi industri ke arah 4.0 kot. All the best M'sia

Volleyball (B) - Cegu kata even kita kelas B dia takkan kasi kita B because y'alls deserve an A yeahhh! MAJULAH SUKAN UNTUK NEGARA!

Sekian buku aduan pelajar dari saya specifically to those subjects related in semester 2 huhuuhu. Bye i'm out for horror movie date hiks

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