Reward yourself with positivity beyond the infinity

  by   Friday, December 29, 2017   No comments
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Hi, glad to get my fingers dancing on keyboards again eventhough my final is being held this week. All the best for my dearself with your last minutes preparation while burning the midnight oil hiks.

Ive got passed for two papers (Asas Keusahawanan and Calculus) recently, What the heck, calculus had fucked me up dude! I have no idea what has going on with my paper (Harap tak repeat sem la noks) So, 3 more papers (Biodiversity, Microbiology, Titas) to go which major testing in reading which is my naturally gift hiks. Tak shabarnya dapat balik rumah lepas exam week ni ngeee

Electron joke

OK lets go to the straight point, actually ive been looking the right time to assert briefly about an aura of mystery which has been generated by me this recent. Here, i would like to introduce my SBT intimate friend (haha so funny). Danial is a boy who same age as me that has a quality of being amusing especially in speech and his ability to make new friends. Secondly, a 22-yr-old SBT friend-cum-a big brother of mine who is an easy-going and kindly. Thirdly, Pais who is resembled Mr Subject is hot, gregarious and handsome lad campus.

So far, the girls which i adored the most yet is ***** She is my SMKPP buddy-cum-a competitor as ive seen her growing up with beauty (lawa aku lagi sebenarnya, serious tak tipu hahaha tipu), intelligence etc. Finally, a reticent girl i ever knew, with her 'kerek attitude' Ain Atiqah. She's a rebellious, hot-headed, ambitious, out-spoken (when with friends), and easy going (when with friends).

What im going to say is why dont we reward ourselves with some positive vibes instead of taking aback by the negativity of what's mind thought? This what ive done to myself past few years since i was 17. I ignored my teens life in order to be the best among the best. Things that come to my mind is that i want to excel in SPM so that i can secure my place in university. Sometimes, ive learnt that  by putting our dreams high in the nine cloud are wasting time as we easily get broken when we realised we cant even achieve as what we have expected. Life can be hurt, is it?

What so funny is, i realised being 'biasa-biasa je' as what Mimi has come out with is the best. At least, when we know we cant accomplish those tasks we tend not to feel displeasure or disatisfaction. And that is what i do for calculus hahaha. Adios Amigos!

Welcome to the best version of Lavish Lilies

  by   Thursday, December 28, 2017   No comments
Kita mulakan perjumpaaan kita pada kali ini dengan ummul kitab al-fatihah

Newer version of Ainology namely, Lavish Lilies

An official warm welcome from me to all of you,  as you can see this is the newest skin of this site. Basically, I prefer to choose blogger template made by Sora due to its vast choices of templates and also it takes no long-time to edit (i lie) so far, aku tak banyak edit or else change something for the template as it seems all purrrfect! so i let it be in white for the content and grey for the background. Mmmm yea, it seems so masuklah!
I would like to begin with the name of site, LAVISH LILIES. I've got that name from the lily flower. Tau kan Teratai Bunga Indah? In brief, my story ive posted here are mostly about my school life when i was in lily. A lot of memories ive created along my classmates and so special my AIN MASTURA. Hahaha that bitch is now doing medicine in Johor (im such a proud friend) and 'lavish' came out as the word gave the meaning of luxurious. So here im came out with THE LAVISH LILIES made by AIN ATIQAH

Sejak aku takleh move on dengan kenangan form 1-3 aku kat SMKPP, aku secara rasminya one day kalau ada orang nak usha aku tanya 'U suka bunga apa?' Aku akan cakap LILY! (sampai mcm tu sekali)

Second, im so in love with the ig widget (you see lots of my best selfie photos) instead of using my official ig id, i would like to put my sec acc ig id. OK sebab apa aku ada dua ig? Rasanya mostly ig users akan ada dua atau tiga acc ig. Purpose dia yg official ig tu of course mainly for socialising pastu yang lagi satu tu yang dok berhabuk tak bukak-bukak (aku punyalah tu) selalunya guna untuk stalk, follow ig crush tak pun untuk kutuk-kutuk abang sajat and so far Malaysian are interested kutuk-kutuk ig retis dorang hihihi, comel sungguh korang ni. Kalau macam aku, sec ig ni aku guna untuk 'cuba try test' before upload photo. Alaaa biasalah kan nak tengok gak macam manalah gaya muka selfie aku terpampang besaw-besaw kat timeline ig org lain. Mana tau semak ke annoying ke nampak jerawat pasir ke secara besar-besaran. Dan lagi satu, official ig aku ni banyak bubuh gambar kengkawan contoh macam gambar Mimi,Fatin,Intan tu pun sebab haritu birthday Mimi aku sayangkan dia ketaq ketaq sebab tu aku buat appreciation post pasal mimi especially on her 19-birthday. Fatin pun sama tu pun sebab gambar aku comel sangat tengah acah-acah kiss dia hihih.

See? betapa sayangnya aku kat Mimi sanggup tulis panjang2

Acah-acah sweet loni

Haaaa...yang part intan tu pun sama sebab birthday Intan. So dipendekkan cerita, aku nak muka aku je dalam blog aku ni hahaha (aih dah blog aku,suka hatilah nak bubuh gambar aku bebanyak pun kan?) Ha sekarang meh aku share sikit gambar aku yang dah lama duduk dalam gallery phone sampai sekarang tak upload.

Finally, abt the content. OK bercakap pasal content blog ni, aku akan post mengikut tahap maturity aku. So far aku cuma post benda yang berkaitan dengan life aku and logical stuff (i think so) so basically, ive decided to put categories for every single of my posts. Setiap post akan ada label tag dia in case to make it more systematic is it? So, kalau review balik apa yang aku dah post banyak aku post pasal benda merapu pastu kengkawan, pastu crush, spirit booster (time nak amik PMR), fan fiction (Peminat tegar Harry Potter, Nelson Rathbone, Prince William, ya allah apa nak jadi dengan perempuan ni), impian aku and last bila aku rasa nak marah aku lepaskan kat blog hehe (buruk perangai)

So, thanks


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